Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 61, 14 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
0©neral Adv\^rtis#»ments d ORDWAY & PORTER, R : • b' -• :• //■ ■•■ / rf W .V Eaw Jr«i Fftff j<r I <»'# An !le f‘trk Fl R Mirr.E Etrr Imp rt«d to tl i> Ctantry. Ct>»pn>ipg Handscms Carvsd Bedroom Sets ln Soli<| Onk. - . L.1 Ts-STS>£S/CXS. ESPECIA'. ATTKNTI< n «« CALLE1> TU ThK8E SETS WIOKEH. WW ; B«*ant fof I> s gi5« -•( W ick»T n ire. cousist ng of SOFAS. CHA1RS. KOCKXRS. ct<- . vou .*n got in »ny FIJSISH vo»i CHAIRS, CooBtl«-<s nci»ber» of CB AIR8. itt every i . miing OFFICE »n«l HIOH CH \IRS. E2TIE1TSIC1T \\ e hare b«d « numU rof call> for tbcse Tibirs t» .th Cl!.VlliS k> match. We hate now in s|ock the m« >t BEAUTIFUL DINING R30M FURNITURE EV£R SLEN HEKE. Siclel>oarcIs and -:- Cliiffoniers In Ore«t V»r < tv. rr 3DI ~VA. 3NT S. •tr P vnns eowml vrith PORTIERS »re bee> nnr.g qnite the mge in t’l.tce «>f LOENOE8 w*» ra«onfactare t: eui to unler »ru! hate * i:uge stock of POKi lEKS to sel.ct fn'm. Esrri2STG-. Ore-»t Assortmeiit. fWOVB'> WIHE M.VTTRESSES—Spring, H ir M i ss, W nol un<) Stniw M.ittic»» s on band aiid liiuile to orvler. I.1VE 0EE8E FEATHEKS O d S!LK FLOSS for Pd;t w«v t I»I !>s CKADLES etc. W INI>OW' SHAPES of .-«]) color> aml si.:» s. COR'ICE P01.ES, in »ih«1 or hr ss trin<utDg». k ein:sra. Mattre»ses, Loouges an 1 all. [ j»bolsteretl burniture rt j>aireT ai r- aso aMe n t» s. CABINET MAKINO. ia all its !»n»nchfs by Coropoaent W\>rkmen. MATTIN0 LAil' p«1 Int rlor I>ooor.ti g u .lor the Suj>erTisiou of Mr. OEOKOE OKDW AY Oor CJoōds »re F rst Chss and nur jirioes are tbe lowcst. C me aml be e nvinced—a tri l i> s lie te>l. Be!| 52o. TELKI*HOXrs: Mut'ial (vlō 0RDWAY a POKT£K H >bu;son lili ek, betvveen F.>rtan«l Nananu.
AT THE CLUB STABLES. “ CREOLE," 21,702. Made at Stockton, Cal. Sept. 23. 1893. S:rf. Prv.inptex, b v !’■ <* Rnil. 7'-. D<’ii. (inip. 5>y Btioc*n.y'r. 2.6.VJ rr'n:’'*fr is «lsr> «h* Mn <>f Tr.<!uū*. W;Jkpr 2—.U: Wal**, 257*; Chi>-«>. 224 anj o( Jlw D»nis Bnlt:antine, 2:17 s 1 Vc>r.2;1. “Otroi e” »b m>J iiUi'k. ono huul white (oot a’ul ■.uiail strpe in fuw. I.OŪO jwnn.U; is very pn,lh, i tood pnxlncrr ->u»I ■ >:«njo r»<>* t« rs<>. WUI »Un>i (>>r • hmiU-1 nnuil>er o( a.Ares at FTFTY !f-V> DOLl.AĪ:S K< >B FHESI V" V. pnnWe at tiine o( «• m . I! - l»-t* was l>red ia 1S92 to (orty «ii tuat« an«l j>n«iace<l ("rty-lwo oo.ta. febi7-xm l\ H1)AV1S. Race Record: Fourth Heat 2:15. OPERA H0USE, March 17. Honoluln, HaWuiian Island$. InterlcH*utor C. H. Coylt'. , |T. R«k>ru‘V, u I <T. Nowlaiul. I lUllU'!». • ,r» * v\ r *\» I50IU‘!* . r j v \i -j i I r. D Neul. I 1). We«sh. PKOGHAMME PAKT I. Curt »in Rais« r 4i OUl Hlaek J«v’’ Coiupany A)j¥.*nin‘j; Chorus... .The T. l'. T.’s... P. M. Troupe S*>nff.... IX»l!ars 1 >•»- tlu* Ijusin4->> Evt-n* Ti:n**.... .W. Thine Song... .Jol!y Coiihu«»I r W. C. C irs>tn S»ng. (ci>mic).... 11u{> Vway F. < )’Neill S*»ng....Xo One t>» Weleome M»* Howe.. ..F Ijorke S>ng. (eoinie). . . .The K5ekinj Mule J. F). WeUh S>ng....The Mottoet* That Are Fnmed l p> a the Wall E. Cmnin Tahleau L:la-rty Enlightening the Worl<! [ntcnaf of n i, minuh* —vi >ic bt FL.v<,sHir’s b.vxi». PART II. The Big F«»or— Intrt>iooing S»ogs anti Dan«vs . .T. Room v% >1. Wclsh, W C. Car~>n, F (i'NeiU Colore«l Ck»g H. I^ahis Stuiu{) Sj>t>vh C. H C**Vi> >*lfl «>ricīnal Irish Humpipe Ias M<-rgsn Character S>>n>r> E. Cr* nin Es?vnc»* «»t Old \ irgnmy,T. Now!au«l—tbe happv eoon J. \\vkh and (». hogelstrvrn in Horīz>*utal Bar Perr*nuan«v. Fe*ts in SLu k Iiojn* Walking by (». Fogeiatroai īhlenal of kn n,{nuU* —vf>ic »r rLA<i>m?s b\so. PART 111. Coochjtliii2; wlth Ihe mk splittiug farce entitied, " THK HAVXTKV l*antU«<rtl—hava,g n> nt> to lel W. C, Cars*-n Patricīus OX alla*%han !-<kmg for a hoim*. T B«»nev J«-ff J* hos**n a »>lond ;vrs»« C. H Coyīe Mrs Jam* Anne U’HaIl:gan—k*oki;> j f«»r a home.., .. J W<d«h (»ht«ts. C. A*Ltm> and C. C. Kane The HawaiUn Qut9htte bas Ueo eogag<*j; and in aiilihoa to the Band of the Fhigahip. Tbe perfonuauvv prv»mises to u* >me af the htsi % if oot ihe be«t, given īn Hmolulu f«»r y«ant Siie <*f Tick «s will open at Mr. L. J. L» v»v’s ON \\ KDNESDA\, M.tr< h I4tb.—Curtain rises at 8 oVkvk aharj>. i { i