Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 61, 14 March 1894 Edition 02 — Correspondence. [ARTICLE]
E r >rro£ HaLo'nei: *‘L«t there bf ligbi" So mts »he Ti»r” It «ould be :ntere-ting to kaov vbxt w b»ek of the pfrontion whicb » beade<d as »boT«. īLe * X:- r' fl *ppin<i orer' Aro !her eommene »ng to *ce ihe f»ct that K** n»ri»n is tbe only w*y oat of tbe lileioma. Il looks to QH zi thoagh the “nine tenths of the vea!tb ' aod "•II th* intell-g“!ice” ie the eoaotnr, ab «at whioh *e be*rd maeh a ye«r ago, bave begao to realijte that tbey hare blandered • iH tbroagh aod uow wish to gx)dne»*. tbey had let thii:gs ■ tlone. There i* al»ays a uegatire s.de to every qoestiou «nd tise negative of the petty «oet>r tii4t tte n »tir«?s are ' iu fv.ir o£ tbeir hves tf there is rest'.r ttiou woold b-» ra *re correct i f it read. ihe V. G. croud a-e in
fmr of (h»ir prtc*oas lii*4 awl }troj*rri>j i/ (hrre i* scn rt*toraiion. The inviUtiou to- a Fort?ign MtDĪster to give *oy inforoi »tioa i-> as uu«lignifi»*<l as are many oth«r aoU au 1 vaporings of tbe iiumacalate j>*>wers tbat be an.l its pre-<s supp >rter-4.
Wbat bothers tho whole g»ng is. the quiet dignity whieh ihe n »tives Loyaiisk> bave displaye«l while watching iiie tin-pot sh-»w. pass by like the ilissolving views of a m»gic ianteru. Avn-BosH.
— The b.irks Irnigard Capt. ScbrajJtz aml S. (1 WiKler Capt. MeKeil disj>layeJ banting frorn rnast heads to tbe rail» tu ilay iu bonor of Hnrnberts’ birt! - ibiv. Captiiin Schrublt/. hail his colors »lrsj>lHve.l iu nuu of war fushiou.