Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 60, 13 March 1894 Edition 02 — On Fifty Dollars a Month. [ARTICLE]

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On Fifty Dollars a Month.

v _ ! e 1 1). R, Co\ of thi» city, thinks n he bas 1 t opon a pr«ctic«I aola- *- ti »n of s?rioas ninet ,eutU-ceatarv probleui—how to !.\e au.l support ■ a wifo ia com\mrative luxur\ on ° io • a inonth. e His plans consisN of a eo-opo-rative »partnient honae to «oeomin.’ > .ltte 2<Xt f.milies, rooms >' arrangea in snits as follows: One 0 j huntlre.l anJ tweoty-s x aparts ments ot three rooms eaeh. t\velve ( spartm«'its of four rooms eaeh, s forty-focr apartmeuts of five f rooms eaeh aml tweuty fonr a apirtraenls of six rooms eaeh. 1 The whole bouse is to occupv a •. half sqnare of gronnd and to be five stor;os hij;h. 9 ‘ The m tin bailding is to be eon . stracted aroond a recUngnlar 9 I coort. tnd ou this couit, with . ) proper a.r space bt tween it and | the m>iit bnilding. wUI be eon- • ■ structed a dining an.l aransej j raent hall \f. C *i sars he ean . 1 otfer •» si it of thr\*3 rooms and i board for a man and his v.-,fe at f tho d;n ng s;iloon for a • i monlh. fbis is, o: conrse, the i : main ite u of i'i}>en< >. 8onie of . Ihe Othe~ items in whieh he otf rs i j t > s>ve money for bis tenants bv ■ C0fe0penttiolk is on the r Uundr> . i : h s he estīmates he ean have • done f.*r $1 40 a mooth; a g‘H>.l b«rber ctn be secnro.,l who wili -have for ō cents and bair cat for 10 cents :f he has a gnaranteo of eoough tu<tomers k> atf >rd him a good liviag at tbo!k r»tes. L»kc wise tbo services of a gnod physi- ; eian would obUinab!e on soch : j a Urg.* e >ntract at a r*ry reasooable fee *o the indir;da\I. iioīni: ootside »ith the same system Vr. Cox woold make eoo- s ! tracts foi bis guests w»th the shoe de<!ei. iLe drv* goods man. the j dothirg tm rvh -nt. aud other | taervh n‘s. vbcreby they woaid fm«ke a low «peeial rate to | hut goe«t< on ihe ece<iitioa that tbe>e m woald gel all *dje tr«de m lbetr respectirv lioee | whieh tle gaests b*d to b«stow.: I Mr. C>x bas ma le a carefal • siadv of 1( the det«i.s inr.>tred I in s , *ch s aeliOai'’ taaJe all ;;.e jd.'ia« and dr * i >■- e hia ; ‘hooi 4 says i . «on a» be ean g< » capiUiists : • lake hold 1 ojf the rrection of tue iwe*#ary 1 baddiog he wiil h.»ve his >y«u*m ( | ie oper*t*oo aod give a practic*l | 1de«aonst*ation of UU theory Ihal , a »"*" *ai wiU ea» lire weii aod <

h»ve v»m-thiEg left eo a *a?arr V 4 lret LjfVw»W. Is*. Mr. Coi rtf Ots t > l-e a beaef«ct rto thvt •** clas» of weil-edocate>i yoa»g m-.n who are sot abie to comm»r.d !arge <a!ari«s acd who are prjventcd froa» marrying on aocovat ol the fioaeciai diScaltie9 in the w»y. bot who woald gla*By marry if tbey coold w tbeir wvy ck«r to do ao. —Oiāwou Intrr'Oceo».