Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 60, 13 March 1894 Edition 02 — Boodlers? Oh, No. [ARTICLE]

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Boodlers? Oh, No.

n w often hare tbe P. C blowere ao<i the P O. organ.< deooaa<od eretTb4>Jv belorgiog to tbe <r>posttion t* being boodIere of tje ren woret kind f Aod hovoft<u have we !>een told th»t »ince tle P <1. stef ped in. tbe »oid boodle L.nd been eliminat«d ftom tbe Toctbaiarv of the Havaiu n p«TvernrLeDt. Bv the wonl l ocdie tbo P, G. org.'in*> aDderst..nd anvbod / who recei>ts anv pah-onape from the govem-m-nt. Nnw we eoali fill & eolamn and • balf at loa.-i with the names of the :aitbfuU who hare b.*en rew.irded for their hetoism m not lving down tbeir l;vcs bv receiTmgall the ‘ b;xxl!e’ from tho govemment. bnt we s v iall bo satisfied bv reft*rring to l’ B. W ilson s letU-r on Water Works whiel» apjx*ared in la,st night’s B to >how hjV truly. g>ud and how trulv tageo»is it is t<> be a McCand!ess or A \oang, and **t the same ti»ue a ’pillap' of the immacalate governmeut. Bat of coaree. tbe tr.uis.»ction of thtse gentlemen don i emiie nnd«r the categorv ••bood!e. ’ Oh! no!!