Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 60, 13 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — The Violent Act. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Violent Act.

The A’hrrii*er Mens tn be fa»orīng !h‘* and enf»rc*m> nt of 'Ir. W. O. Smjth’» \ ■ • r.t i t Of courv- it is unthit Ih** memb«n of thc f i r.ily c >mp«ct" mu>t »1 »o«l t > g ti<c; tir *agh mu l an l miro. f.,it •*? aie •.arpriae-i tboogh to ■» e> : il r C-ntl*. «bo i>t tirncs pivcs inlc«tion of powH*--ing wmf lih?ral iJeas en<l«>raing a n e%.»ore rbich is «o tboroogb!y de*potic. We wlll not meniion t! >- t»o ug mt f«*»turvs in Mr. S«i!th n Ael tho one tbat s<?ls tbe Act aboie tbe Con*titutionaod tbe ooe t iat lay» tho borden nn the aeeun d to pror« his innoct oee. Tbe tvo c!austs eoniaining thf •*» tvo proTĪsions shoo!d l»v cnoug i to kdl tbe Act or. if ps«nntnj t» iond tbe governmcnt inlo a constant iml>r gl o with fnr •ign powors artd tbeir r prv-«’t.f»tivvs Tbo prineiple whieh d« es nway mtb tue jury -ysten» L to oor idea tbe most ohnoi oui aud tbe ne whieh tn« -t tr»«ly »hows tbe truo char acler of t >e l*r vtsional Q<>veroOient nn«l tbe cloven boot *>f tbat would ho autocr.it W O. Smitb. Many \• »rs ago in oar tre«tie8 w.tb l'ianee uitd (ireat iiniaiu tbere w« e aiwrayg stipalatioos u.a le that citizons uf tbose COuntries rt*»i«ling iu Hawuii sbouM only bo triod for any cr.me l»> «* jury se!ect«*d by tbe r«-pectiv« cousnls. Socb stipulaiion wa ■ D6cessary at tbo lime btcanse tt'o liawaiii.a Co.irts w« re unliUO ’* c.vst hkdy tbongbt vt;nr li.* lio °^* These stip’t. , " tIons wo re jo.itt.-d iiom Uter » im Pb l>ccnnsc tbe «*oiirls of « I *w.iii lnd beco foutd equ«l in du P®tt R *og ]us(iee withthose of tbe u >ost ci -iliz«sl .*«iuntries. Judges i. 00 - lb.beii-on. I)av «'s, Harris, Aua * 1 tin. l’retton nud many otber ! luaiitt«rie« secured « f«*eltng of re-tH««-t ai «1 ♦••*(«*«ra for tbo Hu- i wuiian 8upre ne Court tbat for- j cigtior.- as woil as Huwaiian» expr —.«* I tl>eir «baolute confidonco iu tbe dt*clsions of our eonrts. M Teorer, all our «litfi«ront con-ti tut «>ns prorided f««r jory-trials i nnd no mi.n waa e«'nricted of a ■•nmo witbout being fouud guilty ■v n jurv «>f bis {H>ers. But tnue> <re rb«njt«’d. The partis;uiship j and fauaticsm of ou r j ii?ges whieh le«l theru into tbo v<*rtex «>f jH>!ilies fille«I tbe cora- , inonity with gr«vo approbension. l’.ul -;o w.is a sh.«dow of a Co'is(itntini; Ioft. and umicr tlmt lb«' rigbt ro « tri-«l bv jury. Thc At».*rn«*v «lenen‘1 uo * propn*ea (•> do iv«'* wilh tb il t palI«di im M tho bi*eity of n>«*u. «nd he jtojs>-es *«> «rrest • raan and accnsing hiro of mnue e. - * 1110 . Ul> t j n.; de s|hm6c. to nsj<;es» h. ,,u to ■ ; «r»>v«' hioself innoeen» befo«'® • tnmp sjve>icbinp Di»triot Jmlge s -<>( tbe Att«»rm\v Oewml » cre ( on—w t s i tbe rigbt of «p|»o«»l | to a .ir.cie »tura|>-sj>eecbmg Sm r«'«ve . mlge whoee |>rtueijde bas Ihh n Uul down iu his Umouw«*r\Is. ' V’e eitber bang t«*g-t er j or we b«tg sing!y." Aml th*t ; '« th« foua o( )cgal procedwre whieh tbe P. G. iuterd« to in r ugur«te n a I»nd' whieh ttu’> | I <«l«e to eall a free mpahlie i v »rthy to b«eoaw a mcmber of thc gTeat Ameneao Union- For »lh Mr W O S«aith’s foelmgs ag«in»t jcr>s iu-.»s.t be iutense. I < Tb«t be always dishked and imsuosted, th* H« w««iaB jnry is well ‘« »oowa, bit it wa» on!y dortng , th» !ast tena tbat he. ia ttie-jl <ase opea!y denoaoecd ■. t’ie /v>rr«.«7a jurv\ Heue* bU «W re to «oohsb tbe jary »ystem 1 ali -getūer Tbe metbpd propoa i «1 u bts v oleut act Tvc.sind» us • i.bout tb< French ci«pitnto i iK>fotw wl mau bcvu«>«. c. tair.«! i wa> bit>ighl Tne m«eUt t \ l«te i(onediateIy pronouuc«pd ī i «enleoee orer the poor I i ( cril aod vhen a barrister mildiy i » iggeal«id vhe propnety ol g»rmg iue aocsMMd a «bao«N» io pron» h\p i

nooeeaee he r»« rcbr ( kcd by th« > aug f.j’!cws. I .uo-, eenee’ i»y dw «r. if h« w«» in-1 j o <eni, Aōw ooa li ke kan Ue* <irr**U>V!” r ■ w« ;eare to Hi» ExceH*ncy tbe Attorn?y G«neral to dr*w the monl.