Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 60, 13 March 1894 Edition 02 — PHORCED PHORAGING [ARTICLE]
Successful Raids by General Scissors. It-Iy h-». 1 * with •500 jind 9UUU aluilenle Tnestate uiiiTer-itieeof Alahama md Tennf?Ste h«ve dectded to ailmit women. V»s«ar iprlj« are prv»cd >f the fict th-vt noneof tbeir graduate« have ov«r heen diTorced. The Hrst leechefs’ journai. tho £duc:<tiuuai Ttuiee, *va« est.vfalisfte«i 111 1 >47. One s»ixie-:ith ol thc »tudent« iu Aoienean aro »tudyit)g f«<r tiie mini«try. T •* N >rma' C«»litgo < f New V >ri C(ty contaui« «tade: ls. Tiie tr>;«’.e»« r>f Cu)uu»fais h.»ve l»aid IOOU,0.«J f,t lii< ir n»-w »11*. C«r»ell h«» 12 «eholamhipe. whieh aggrtgate I I50,0u0In the t r n:t'* , l S{ it»» oue rr.»n in 2JOO atb*nd« colh*ge; in «»vrmany one in 213. \t ! «aid the e rb-t'*ne lo t e ue«senger b»y. wf ine Uli r al'ii»» U“d h?s t>e and feli ou th»> «sdewaik. how did yoa«ij y yoor lrip? "*I ond'n»fc»nd *hat b»rg'*r» weol thr»ogh y »ur h«u<»e l»«t o ghL D-d tliey 1 >ke every thing?'’ Hu.g> «■»»1 v) —**fcverytbmg bul roy wifr." * Wh t dorou mean hy hnmb*sgg:rg. :nad*ui7" a*a»d ao *sg : y harr«*ter cf an «M !**ly he «.« r « “I d *i»'t kn >w •»* f eao ex >*Vy «>»y. «ir, bot if a *dy »Ht«Mjr!o v»u Uu! r**o r- >» h*edw»OJO m*0. « r »t wnqld be vb«{ l d ol! huoih’-K >g." * rv*r Loci« «loo l Kl t m-n eome too near von vbeo er»artmg * Ob no, de«r ma. Wb* a rbarhe i« Ker >. «e b*re *>no ekuiii i»etneeD u*. 3dother tbink* tbe au>*wer i» r»;ber ambig«OM* Tho To*cber: Tbere ts ooe of tny f*r:gDte«: boy« »>ittiog orer . there oa tbat rock writmg, «hiie hw eompaaiona nre waating their time in tdle p!av. No *ionbt be » lewaooa oot for tomorro«. Here. Jimrnv. let me «ee «hat are you «ntiog. Jīmmy: No m. 1 don't «aot to. Toacber: Ah. «e« hia modesly' Come. I w*ut to re«d ik Th:a is «h«t **he read: “ r ieaae M my »m»q Jju«m Iioiu aehooi to-*jUy, aa b« i« oe*ded »t bo **