Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 60, 13 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
\ AT THE CLUB STABLES. “ CREOLE,” 21,702. Made at Stockton. Cal. Scpt. 23. 1893. Suv, rrompt«. 2,305, br Bl-« Bull, 75: Di»ic. Or»oe. bv Bncc*ne*r, 2,656 Prc>3ptcr is*l»o :h. >ir» of 2:2«; rr*nnt. 226i; W«lker. 243»; 2:27 i; Okuew 224 *ud o( tb« D*ms l nl.iauune, 2:17 and ViBor. 2:28. “1'kf.oi t~ i* *t bt«.-k, on. hin.l wbite fx)t and sm* 1 *trpe in (*ce \\>j K ht. 1,050 ponuds; is rery stvli>h. cvatle. • oooil pi.jdpoer »nd * «'wue rmce bors«. WUl *Uud (or a luuited nnmUr of uiaiw» ai FIH V (>50) 0OLLAbS FOB THE 8KASON, p*T*U« st time of *m.v. Thw hone wa» brei iu 1S’J2 to fonr-»ix mm« and i'rodnoe.l forly-two ooiU. leb 1 7-*m D. II D A IS. HOLOMUA Publishing Companv, [THOMAS ELOOKl, 3Zingr _Stxeet, F.ace Record: Fourth Heat 2:16.