Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 60, 13 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Oeneral Advort.f»ements ORT)WAY & PORTEB. Rclinrm H< v ; Si., Fort owi S*manH, Z' IWrti«d. fer L*te Arrivaie, tbe I *rpf-»t Heek cf ITK >ni*BE Eter 1mp<rted to th» Ccoiitry, Cotnpn:JDg Har.dscme Carved Bedrcom Sets 1 n Onli. and f :kt LATESTDESIG.\‘S. ESPECI.\L \TTENTlON CALT.ED T0 TH£SE SETS WICKLER WAHE, l>caut ful [)•-» pi?* o{ W kkrr Ware. of SOFAS, CHA1BS. 15(XKERS etcvou *-an get these in «ny FIMsH vou d«ire. CH AIRB, Coootle- r.utul r« of C*HA1B8. ia erwy tyle. incloding OFFICE m HIOH CHAIBS EZ£XXIX:ETSXOXT \Vt }j*\. . . ’. a r,ar.;V>cr <'f c*lls for iho-e k-, with CHAJRS t»3 niuloh. W« have now in stock the most BEAUTIFUL DINING ROOM FURNITURE EVER SE£N HEllE. Sicleboards and Chiffoniers In Great 1 »r etv. TD I IST S o D van« < vcmi witb PORTIERS »re becoming qoite the rape in , 0 f LOCNGES-we manofactore them to order and have a u»ge atock of PORTIERS to sc*lert f.*om. 2SEEIlN T a (,r< >t*A- rtmcnt of\VOVEN WIKE MATTRESSES—Spring. H ir’ M - \N. 1m 1 Straw M«ttn>- >on huud and made to onler I lVĒ(iEESE FI'.\TIIERS .nd SlLK F .OSS for Pdlo»s. (T.IHS, CRADLES. otc. WINIX)W SHADES of nll eolon aml sizes. COUMCE P(>I.ES, in wood or lnss trimmings. M.iitr<-" I.oong< » u i nil C| bolsU cd 1 uruiture repatred at r> asonul>lt< ntf3. ( \RINET MAKINO. io all it> l>i *nches, hy Compeaent Workmon. M\11 I N' < l.A D rd Int rior l)» co-.,tii amler the Sup»msiou of Mi. OECROE ORDWAY. < ),ir ■. i> r«< F rst C1 >s and oar prioes are the lowest. Como nud U e oviiiC.il—u tri.« 1is s lio ted. U. 1 telepbonbb: M«tnal f>4ō OI’PW \\ ,v P0KTER. R biU">n Hloek. l,otween Fortand Nuuanu. [\. E. 8( Bfjo 1MP0RTERS AND DEALEKS 1N G i 4 oceries, ī > rovisions AND Feed, EAST C0KNER F0RT.t K1NG STS. New 6oods Rcc'd Bv evcrv P«ck> t from tho Eastern States and Europe. Fresh California Pnxluco by every steamor. All i' \lers faithfullv attouded t». and Goods delivered to any part of the city FHE£ GF CiiAKGE. lshnd Orders Solicited. S;\Psfaction Goaranteed. Pots Box No. 14ō, Te!ephone No. 92 NOTlCE ! Th« % Under» : go«d has Kecetrtd fron; the F.a>tem Statee Xlie Lai'Sfest Single Oixler of BILLIARD MATERIAL Ever Ioiported to the Islands. lt Conclades as Follows: Cloth. 3 pnules; Coc«, assorted; Cashions. by Block. pateut; BUIiaid BaILs compo«ition and ivorv: Pool Balls, do., do. Tips. Chalk, Pocket.Castings vith lcather &nd fringe, eompleie Pockot Nottings, fringe and leather;’ Kabbor Covors. Coart Pla»ter, green and bla. k Now Style Chalk Holders, Trianglee, Shake Balls aud Loaihor 6ottl«e Pool Piae, Markors. etc , etc. The above Goods have beon Parchased al Roviacevl Kato«. and tbe nudersigt>ed ie oow prepared to do any aod all klo'la of • B1LLIARD TABLE \V0RK at re< Aonahlo rtu>» with disp«tch. Al»c new and secood hand Billiard aod Pool Tablaa fur Sale. - Ploase Apply to J. P, BOWEN, Pom Block. Heiel Si.. Hoeololn