Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 60, 13 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
INTER-ISIAHD PllOĪAOE. ,Cm. WILLIAM DAV1ES, — FV>K THK P»? TWBLVE YEAKS n It; r-l>Uu<i M**ai-rN S. r> ii» « mee» *» P1 LOT» I port or WwAum i« th* !U*iiūa I oi nfrTr <m» ia>{im «« 4 i. S V' UUv >»r S,- ■;■:» : - l*aV. or \Va,Ai*rr F«t strw Uh U-e
t ii. losi:, »I Notarv l^uhlie*. i; ' CoUee$or awi Genrmi Bn*iw'ss 1 1 . PiūenUe of I>*>»: > Chemicil Compol'xd for C!arifjfing • I Cane e for *errml of the V ; Bē$i * /7/fE IS$URASCE COS. Milul l«fcyfcwi ». P. O.