Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 60, 13 March 1894 Edition 02 — CRIME. [ARTICLE]
- A Shōp B irglar.zed by ? The pecc-r»i pabli< wbo b*»« M fiith in tbe »b»litT of tb« MArsbal *c.l bi- n»€n lo pret«oI the cotnc3i«c-ion o( crīnie •ill not be scrpris«*l wlwn tbey Se»rn Uxi»y of ihe occorence c*f j ao tber «i»ring cri*ae ripbt io tbe aiidsto( the oaool bnsie*t p rtion of lbe rity, but »t * i'.me wheo oniv tbe pKxl e.lii-in» of EeMlnh, yeW»p4 ; ‘4CDexiti«m 1 i*U,” *ere sopp->s«yl to be provl>ng aboat tbe Iocaiity. \ Not a single ofScial s<"»odJ is reportod as*hiving beec hearvl. n t a note «f a 'īapie polieeman s whi>tle, or er t k < i tl«twtire s rcTolver. to prie noUee to tbe p. neml puhlie of the diKOrery of the burplars in their nefarioos work. Audso.it is ag«in told tiie plaee wiis bargl »riie l the oootenta of safe an.l dt»ks overh»u!edaud property >tolen. safe Iv c.vmed av«y acd the j*eipt‘trvtors aie yet uuknown. To be i»ri« f. Thos. Hollinger s blacksruith shnp wa> brt ken iuto l; ls t night aud tbe borglars took «wav witb them. 1 lowel, ntther dirt\ 1 >ilk hat. sm*ll. abont '1 \e.»rs in «en iee; 3 el * v pipe-* and one-fourth pound tol»acco. Tbe jM>lice «re on their trail. p s They nv. r! ■> k. i *10 in a >i<le «lrawer It is r- ported that tSie manli.il wants that, as evidence.