Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 60, 13 March 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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- Tbe M«rcb t«rm of the Sopr«M | Conrt mll open ob aexl. I':.v IVT«ri f He«.th will ten prob*bly n.eet to morrow «ftet0900. i TLecoU ier King Crnw. from .NVwei»tle «ntT««l in port tfab monue?, 52 days p**sage. The Pele s»iled tbi* »fternooo for M*k«we1i planUiioo. Kaoai. lad'e *itb -t «o>i ajacbit.ery. Mrs, Oaan- lectare on L#on<l »o, illustr*ted witb \ir*> will be -tven U>i-» i v«:r.īnir «t Kawai- : ah«<> cbnrck. Tlie ootwtnl l>oontl »nter isian i stcansers t >d.iy away ' a naa)ber of r» aud « l«rge «woont of fr**igbt. TLe 8cheotzea v«reln. iuit tht» I-t-j»pue acr«>ss will harl>en thcir i »p*e* kensi (lcitcbeo->'b«ng of» a titue, to-nigbt. Tlie show-n>i«ns of Messrs. Or>lway aml Porter show the p»»troiiflpe they receive aiul the i ; «|>preciation by tbe puhlie of the ' poods aml prices. . I Doo t omit to read (he proprittnme of festivities, t:ml«*r the *uspice« of the Phila.lelphia Mmstrels whieh apj>ears in tbis issuo. . — A w.irm ti»ne is ex|>*»cte<l «t the ! Conncils tneeting n*>xt Tbarstlay. | The Cliiuese iuteiul to make a cr> "iire on *’I to preaent his | iittle bill. The Philailelphia Mir.strels will nj p«' «r ne\t S.»tnr1.»y t»venj at the Oj>era H«use iu nuolio Of mirth, nuisk' aml ininstreUy. Don’t forpet t!ie date , i _ I , Col. Sherwoo*l ihe j>roprie{jr <>f the faiuors Lonp l>ratic!i B.»ths at Waikiki roport> the tempen»turo of the water to be : 72 degrces. The haek drivers are now feel inp the clc>se competition e\istinp in their l>nsinesH. Uides to the i P«rk and haek ean now be ob \ t.»ioed for cut rntes. The small j>o\ patieuts at > Quan»ntine have ne«rly all re1 emem! from the eHeeU» of their ■ illmss Th©y are well t.Hken care ! of bv the ci»t> »ble attoudants. ; j • 1 Tho Ti'- r was «juito an intorestmp j>;»j>er this mominp. aml uiany of its lonp time slow ; p«>inp rea>lers have i;ot yet pot '! through j»erus ; iip its oolumn», H »n>U iu s;z >. acour«te in 1 liuu», stronp iu wear and cheaj> iu j>rice «re the chi»racteristics 1 of a collection »>f' v>«tcli sh»pe»l o'oek- whieh M«•«»rs C >stle an<l C«>«>k«’ n >w display inoneof their ” show-windows.

Th«* noimtfti poliee h«v<* !>«>n t>-> l>v «in'i*» a »nmher of r»**tul**'rs of th«> Soho;it/en oloh Tho citv limit< fn*m Pnnehliow! t > Nonino «u«l l*-'rotA»ia tn Q>u*on *ro uov* c1oko1v |*atroUed . at nights. Tho usn»l d<*«*cr»tion of tho S>*hl'ath. by the M tkiki rith»eloh w.vs not ■> pro»oaDO<*d Nst ' Su',«l\v «s usn tl. Tho <n«'r»!s of the BMtobers of tho eloh h»\o »mj>rovo*l sinco tho»r »otions fr*-n? \ )in>ught to nolieo l»\ lh< Hoi.o» jcr.v. Tbo *il«ry att»che*V to tho princij¥»lship of Fort streot scbo**l will stsll l*e earne*l by the pros**nt velMike*i princij**l. Mr. > M M Sc"tt nol tnthsUn*liu£ • ntmor to th« contr»ry. There i» uo Ulk of *uy other pnneipal i resigtiin|r. l J A eoomnUeo on orpanixation, ' of Ihe. lo be lonae*!. Pres« Clob, • j was ch«.»f*-n la>t evening *ud «re *fxpeclc*l to re|*ort al an early * *late. The |ires*-inc«i prwst*ut. at tbe prelimin»ry toceting*. are reportrd lo bavw be«n »«ry «#■ | thusia»ttc.