Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 60, 13 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
T.H.Daviss&Co KAAHIWUM* >T Honolulu, : ; H. I. GENERAL^ Commission &*■ Monhants - AND — SUGAR FACTORS. a rv:s for L1ot4* — F.'W ī 'Unne Ia*«r19« 1 KniAn A„ ;r»cc» 0»\ ftr» A bfP»&vf La* »( 1‘kA. U fr. a. M«mmI. Lw ■ ! Pfc »'U. eaaiiai Me RiHinT Ci Cmaiiīai-Aistnliii Slasa!nj Ci. LtvcJU*oci Otjf: f Tbt l OU 11*11 S* tcL 16 MOBTGAGEKS NO 7ICE OF FORECLOSlRE. In accordance vi i h rik rnov!sk»n» of 4 «rt«in niOru.;>g* m*d« kr KM HANE V\K 1N\ -... WM e' \( HI. d«ted tb«" *»\U ii»y ! V iwlw ML r» - ’ oor<M īu Lit» r 131, pagv *n l āu!y U> t.*u Cb not i, brirl>y pua th*t tho mort(! (.w ■ n.U fc> ( -tr~ tb«- fi>r <\»i iilioc* hmkeo. h> w!t: uon-j.*iyuirti! of iutnmt an.l pnnrt|«U. Sotioc is> Ukewīn.- i;ir« ii tlu •!'. t the t>xpir*tu>u of thr><* * o«ka fn>ai t \r <Uto of tbi« m>t!«, th- pn>prrty eoimTed !>y iaid niortwill hi> *>iT<;rii» 1 *! ( r 'iū* >t puMio «u> t»»n «t tL« *actit>n r •mi'. ( l«o»>« K. M rv*»n. in Hor. luln. > N W! J»Xi SJ>AV, tbf> Uth th»r »f Mar> h. 1 «’M. «t l'i c «>a. of ><at 1 tUy. !>«:«.{ II nolulu. K- n»ary '.3, !>.>». l.Al" CHt*N>>. Ait«igr»>- M»(Vtaw>. lh« prcen»t«H oot«v.1 by ■> >»>l m»rtirfc?» •'onu'.l of—1 «enn- "■ lliuoo*, Hv.v M ini.«c>l o>#«r#-. ...i rt. >c r !>y Knl.iw», by tl«*l ->! d«y o( Au- !»■( au-l rv >r »;;.:. ■:V! j • !02 an.l l't3. (ebl7 3w CARD from CAPT. LALMEE I (!«~tfrv fc> pnH!io!y T\j>rT>»s my th*nk« fe> ■ lhr poieio »( Honotalr. for otns»*nt ktn<l- ■ ih-«.s »nd ooor»««sy nror;T»><i «t t i«-ir b«n>l- 1 h»vr tr.«:d to t>xjire!>s >t in» rtr> ogT>t «nd i h«—t. ftery «h*>ie <>f opinion m fe> rbi> ln t< i *n>! priadj.l>M h*»». Th<M>» *j-tic\-s wil! pi*'b«Uy b>> prsbS.sbvd in jnru- : phiet f»rm snd copi«» will be <*u a»y r»turn j sent to th« ct:.icus of llowaii. | (A !dnessi JcLrr- A. r*iM«*. Jk. Xo. !0, Bn>«ii Str>« t, Bost. n. ni«r 7 !-w. Again in Town! Xew Sonijs. New I te<*itations, New Instruim.'ntftl aml I3arUl Sel«* *tions Tl>e I.atest an>l Be$t r*?ceivtvl by the steatn«T Monowai. are now on rxh l>it on »t tue Popular Phonograph Parlors, BIook, Hotel Street. Don’t mistake the L >cati< a. fel9 H. MAY, & Co,. Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters AN'O Provision Merchants 93 Fort Strwt - Honolein P&milie*. PUntotio&5 aml Sbipe »Qppiied with choicesl E anyp€<m Jc A /*triatn Grwritt Calilor&U Prodaee by ETery Ste~uner.