Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 60, 13 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
TRrSTEE S NOTICE. Al! parlies harini: cl\iras ac*ii >: Su l K Kuiuu aoiK Mt\ Ltbi\ Pus t K\x\k_u\ f Huo<>lc!a. Otfao »e neq to pres« -,t them to Ihe oa before tbe 31 d.u of M tn i;, All rvoU d;ie th>' f srt -- above Qentioni J ma-t Ihj paij at ouee to oe person.\liv. AliUAHAM FERNANDEZ Trust-.*e. KAWAIAHAO CHIKH E£SEF1T. On Tuesday Evening, M\rv’h I3ih. »1 7 4.*>, a< t v - > :.-u-h. M»>. UANa wiU ctv- fc-r IN1LN-LLY lNTEKr.-IlNG LneiUKEON LONIK N' - / - ■ ; — WITH — THE;INEST STERĒOPT!CAN 7IEW3 /: ;rr Prescntcd in Henelulu. ĪVsTi1i«*d in Fncli*h »n>i n«waiiitn, it wiil itfTarl »ts<> of thr rarr-t . v.-r to the j»e 'ple of thw citv. Not « ti. men: - ;t>-s of iour»-*t. Tielet<, »0 eenU; ehiUiien, balf piie**; c\n He ls*rf at the Bo>k*torvs, Cnst!> ,v «>kr > «n i the Hiwaiiao -af,- m<) lnv»s:n;rat C»mp»oy. D->r’t f»i! to gv>, »ad be >nr-> »o-.i i-ke j vonr f uuilr. mar 10 >t Hen u C> . o\. L 15. Californi!i Wiuo JOBBERS OF Wines, (o. Spirits, & Beers. Aiul in f’iture the bns : rics.- vill be ci»rried r»n nndor the n >me s>d sty!e of ••C.\LIFORMa WINE CŌ at 407 Fort street. Molu ruy B oek. Thoroughbred D0GS for Sale T1E KNGL1>H SETTER ** Honolulu m BreJ nt the Glenmore Kenne - Berke!ey, Cal». > N >. 31,09-; A. K. C S. B., N v V rk Sin-. ; l>y !.«*• R.. w.nwr of D-H y u fi,eilie FWI1 JnM at R*krrv.«*fcl 10 15>0. be by ībxin«T <8,490!Iiwm Pbyil «II 2,1 x»i. Jb>,5iw*y. liw *irv >.f 1« E., ly f>oc D:. ff>->« K v D. !.t,Ti.>; fr»m f’bvU > II [2 163] llikw (2123 fp’SrPh>Ui* 4T4. ’ l'b« d..m of H»n> !u o < -iri w»- B» iW < 'a.i»too», only laneh!.r on tb» Pa • e Coa»tc-f <'h*e p*cn OiiuilaM <111!; fj»oj /ell ":.v»4 by Dan, {) ( SK}. bi‘OtCi>&apiv‘o Pwnl, >?,42TJ. THE FOLNTER * Honolulu Hhike. 5 (30.is»3 >. l>re»l ai t’.e Sh«b'3 na Kea:jeU f 0*.r 1 !. by [Vr'3»h;j» <»n. C.\43>; fn>« -h«lv Tv D«a >f H >r> 4ai>» Ptk» u B«Ue. **r !*rk; fans Ewi* D by Ihakui’* 4.HT). Hr>n<Ma!a Dake i- iv br kt on phe'S.*Dts wilh -taaocb po ut\—>n a!!-d*y tl< g. F >r farther particaian. *pj y to or »ddrr» W. II. CUNNiNGHAM, mar 10 Anoho» Saloos.
THE WELL KNOWN' THOrfOUGHBRED KI XN1NG STALUON 44 Diike Spencer” Wīli I u.e Se«> a Ut« S:Vhl*» ol A. J. Cx*mnschT, Eaq., Makiki. F«. F«(rr Do!l«nt; p*r*bl« »| ■ t ra- uf «w*nnce. Cn>ud ean» Ul< n | of 31*«*; not re*p >a».bL fur ae-cuit-n','. —Doke S|»oc«r. bav;. boig*>:. 6itma »ni tMw «jo*rt *r o( tbe o>o»t gtuli - <iupvV . auUoo. nur 10 •