Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 59, 12 March 1894 — Get A Move On. [ARTICLE]

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Get A Move On.

■ W e encoaraged, some timeago. ! 4ho Honolula Jockoy Clul> tu j tlecitle, if horse rao«-s uml-*r its husj*īc< s woro to bo heKl on the | 11 tb of Junoor not So far we tavo not le rued that any steps have beou takon an»l hor$e-owners I aro still iu the «lark. If a successful moeting is to bo .socure«l il is 1 high ti«ue that ownors willingbentor theirstock bo informedof tho j proei|*ects oi a iuooting. Throe j raontbs aio by uo meana too long a lx*ri«.Hi in whieh to train a horse ptO|H>r!y and wo kuow of sev.'ral prominent honemen who will refuso to enter Lalf trained or insufficientlv traino«l hc*rsoa. Even t'ie bor»> are ot*oning the ; r jans . aa.l caiting to tho Club to '*got a »uove on ’