Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 59, 12 March 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
f Rl.’HE is joy in Israel or rathet in tbe tentral l*uion. Th*> two “part ;e.s have uiualgHiijato»l and tho aiissioR;iiy j>artv bsve hoen takeu to tlie bosom of Tim Murray «tul roceived a friendlv hog The American League bas doue it-s work well. Thev sbow-1 e<l uo nmicty to amalgamate with the iuiss onaries. but wheu thev tiually did they carried ev< rv | j*oint dejii!inded by tliehi from cbangi<«g tbe naiuo of tho party to c<>utrolling the umnagement ! Gont.tiuen of tbe League. you have l*ri<ll«><l. tlie mis-iouaries, drive tl«» 11 witli short reins or i tbey are aj>t to take the bit in thelr mouth.