Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 59, 12 March 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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• •^mmm^^mmmmm^mmmammmm Tllt Sf ir is natarai!v ,«ore over tbe hooor«ble &ction of |fae Hoi oxr.\ iu makiug an <». emle bonorable-. Tii e memoiy of tbe eiitor • f tbf' HoLOKn tells bim tfaitt, tbe Sl ouee miule «n amemle h->vt -r <■'*> to one lvlinanii Nt»rrie w hieL al«o c«as<‘<l tfae su*nmarv il;sn; ol a S/..r reporter, tfae reHĪgning of a Star editor-in-chief hdi1 h printed apofa>g\ from the now lint* editor. Wnlter C». Sm tb. I nle Smitbl your it/<» of Marcb, is not far distan(.