Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 59, 12 Malaki 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
KiWAIAHAO OHOEOH BENEFIT. On Tuesday Evcning, Manh at at t l ,- Chn. h, M'. OAN5 vrill ,'ir, L r IN1EN-ELV INTERL.»TING LECTTKEOXLOXDOX Siiju:rl>’;/ 1 - ■ ‘-<1. — W|TH — THE FINEST STEEE0PTI0AN V1EWS Evcr PresnttcJ in H&nohUi'. in Fiu*l»»h »m? Haw.ui.m, it »ill affml oae ol’ the ran*st erer otT. n v l h> the peaple of this oity. Not an. nn e! » lo»s ol imerest. Ti,'kets, .10 ooats; chiMrv -., half price; cad hr h*il of the Bookj<tores, tV.st.e ā e.ioke * aml Ihe H iwman >*f. iVptect »nd iuT.~;taeut Coiapaur. Dou‘t hul to go, and be *ar» an<) uke ▼our fanu!y mar 10 3t Thoroughbred D0GS for Sa!e
a THE ENGLlsH SETTE X *• ' Honolulu Cxirl,” Brnl at tbe {»lennoore Kenue's. B«rkeley, Cala. i ■ 1 N . ::i i»yS) A K CS. B . X.« V rk | b» R . »;nm rof H- ;!>y »t tt« T’s; J cttio h>rl.J Trial at Bakrrvuc!.t ,n i>»), be br U.-lnrv \9.*un Phy!I;, TI C, } *’ K» ar», th* *!»«• q| |,f« J;., b» i .w : i» t ' | .s f»«v» K.ie f\TI5}frytji Pbvi;'i II . !twi K*k« {’2I2) »»••» l*b»Ui* 474. s Ihe a»m <si H*>c In.o i.irt »-- |Vllr .U<l- - : ■h— oal» tb* l'ioiie ('luoipion (>i».J4uoo (113,; trv<n I • /rii. {,» |>jUJ, <r- f!u ( , l'elm, . r h.4-JT:. i THE POIXTEIi \ ‘Honolulu Duke/ l (3ī*,*v»3, br 1 .*»{ *h- , Sb*l>b>iu Keu ī.;1>, Ott i»d, ll|. I ‘>r l«».»iwh!*> s»tt. T -4T . (r m -b . TU" D.m oī H >•» 4 iiq ih|« « { ’ : by 1%,'k. fr-m D. b» Tn*W r j j Bwg, {4.II7I. • : Honolola Dake is *b roo blv I i,brke °o I i.on * | o nt»— -n *il-J y»1 £ I* >r f<trther p*rticuiars- app ! v i to cr *ddress j W. M. CUMNINGHAM. n;ar 10 A.\thok SaLOoX. i i
LongBrancli BATHING Establishment. ThU F irst-elftss b>« be«n e&lArg«*) «tul is now oiwn to the pablic. lt ū tbe be>; p!«ce oa tbe i*iac«l» to ©tj*xv , * Uatb »nJ there is no b«tter pl»w lo l«y od. Sp«cul «eeoamoJ*t:oo« for L*di'm* Trmmc»rs P*» 1 *be Joor «ery b*H bo r a&d on halarv)>ys ood Sasd*vs t*vory &ftaen raiaatos. O. J. SHERWOOD PmpneloL I