Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 59, 12 Malaki 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]
-x* vm$&*a£ht* fcr > ar &c U>a*t.<9* <af «x Emtoe Hato*rA I m >3 ard?r.i »Unip eoIleeW bc* Bcfortnn»ltiy 1'« « por»f uj»n. A poor ni»n hi» bo bo?ijae#s W be i ihiup eolkeio? voa'ii fc»y! Ho*ftcr lUap eoliiei- is a great "‘astime _for me in lfeU !oroly plaee and so I <tack io idt •!•' ■>■ >' >p Ai' for t|U5-e a namber of ye*rs. 1 w ?e*d w«tti a great «leal of vati>fact i>n y«cr art;cle in the Holo* ~jk of March 5tu, «rbcreia yo a gt,ve mm* *‘point> «boot This aūiele mmile it wn cl«ar in my faead where th.nt big lol of 2 cents v«*rmiili u ever got to. I wrote to « frierul in Hunololn to get rae a few $j>ecimeus of that •‘tvrrn it tbe proper t me, but n<A a ain-'lo 2 cents i sticker of venuiI!;on cu!or eouU 1 ? gol ont of that gre«t Starap jjobb»ng bonse; ni.-»:am»s.l the geuen»i Post Office at Honolnla. As tLe P. G. Pc~t officials have g >t the loude tr;u-k :t’s no wonder they nake a gootI wilh tbeir nmnerons snrehar*?ed r» stHmps. Roeent!y I’ve l>een in* fprmed they g«*t up a new wrinkle at the P<>st Ofhce, viz: Thev priuted a few sfaeots of -t imps to | order for a large London stamp hoose, with the P. 0. surcbarge in distress, that is up side down. These OvU )>riutiugs have a leehnioal name in soience of pfc>lat *ly, thoy are called an -Error.” I to get ho!d of ono of these oddities aiso: biit great Soott, t!ie prico asked w:is a c«ntion only ?ō:00 for a oommoo tivo cent stump and very str tDge nobodv on the outside bas anv to »ell, bnt von ean buv tbem onlv **_ * 1 frora aa employee at the Honolulu G .'neral Post Office. These gentiemen evidently faave tbe ioou<>P‘>Iy iu rare st,irapa;for reasous whieh evorybody will guess bv this time.
I .i!so beard that tbe Post*l Department will make a good thing on the recentiy i;tsnotl 5 ceut stamps aiul have the vrord cents printed on; as it was “un- ! intentionalIy ovorlooked to pnt the deaomination on at the tiuie I the stamps wero ordored. \\ell' I \vish better sn ces>, to my folIow philatelists, we on the other l*lands an too f,»r otf \nd have no tij»s to catch ou. Hoping Mr. Editor you’1l kmd- i lv e\ci'so this lenglhy Ietlor and forgive a mueh grieved «ud disappoioted. Srvxr Pism>. Waiiuku, -Maui, March 9th,
I Eoīīok Hoi.oxtm: A corr>'>pomk>nt eaaain», ■'w!iy tho S. E. B.4iup eits •vith .4»s knife a l liok* his ;a_’ ’> it t >bK V ;,re imsu!e to roply -pouai» I eaa. fs ho t.ot au extreme ill»3stratic»u •>f the ilanl chnr >cter so grapiā cal!y tlepictt*l by Bobert Louia Steven»on in his Doctor Jekyl •nil Mr. H\»le." W'itls his bnj«1 •K»th Coet. «rbi e neeklie, oxo«osiro »b'rt front «n*l itteuiplej ■ ':iitteiaanly bo p)ays he ro e uL r>r. ’ \\! —As Mr. Hyde, be licks his tisg_*rs at Ub'e. e»ts vith hw knife, piek» . ais teeth with a fork. «nd Mtujether «uece>.>fa‘lv the bil! >f a mcst coo«mo'uate ead. He i •n!ogiz.>tl the Qneea to Ihe ssi«s i i pri.it M D *ctor Jekyl. A> Hvde. he in pi iv B te mUtgned hcr • oh«m*ter on a!I ooeiuien» auei »«s Ihe acthor of fonl lies of ti»e :irst magnitode abuai ber—He tpproprialed from the Hawaiian.
wbea«rer pos»ibte bi« foriJ's foovl> i- Mr Hyde—ADoctor Jekrl he bop«d tb*t thr Uaviūūa u*y *‘yet <*oiise rf*rv to m« i& h. tbe vt«do(a goo<iness of G*>i to hia». i A» tb« etntat'Qtiy pkiiaatropbUt, anouoo» »o 1 o3r Ckn«tuiQ «iilor c( tbe "Pne?»*!" be ts Dr. J«byl Mr. Hy,le. be rorels, ■& » b%ck comer ol a dovra to«& resUonu>t. io tbe p*rtuUly r#il*«l obece&iti«s of the Poliee < G«*elte A» Dr. Myt, ho pos««| the tp4it««Hu ,■{ Iniih. H« u ibe Fither of Lie», ami tbe | rruth U aol iu hini m Mr Hyde. | 1& {«ct, bo u th« Alplu a&d | ie Ofa*g« of bypocbrUy &ad '
«II deceit—tfae •orti y pwstor el »ad « sfasa : a§ ligfat ie tfae P. G- en-wl M\ ft>ttau!« of his cfa«r*cter a«v be —I *ra opea f'vrf»rr«r!’ >o ! Turr*i >m:>» Tuch>t