Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 58, 10 March 1894 — Is It Not Time. [ARTICLE]
Is It Not Time.
We bare ic mior of oor f(jnwr ' 4 *a« «tcr>orgHl ihe p >AeriiTier.t ,ts meahen tsJ orgus to te!i a« pls:s ap tnd donm ,( Ht»tii yc-t bo*si$ of a fandamctital law—nod »e bare tx?Ter »£.«-«ered. Several Iawyers h«re tried. tbroogh te*t e»Kes 'to g*»t an aasver to tbe aame qne?«tion fn- i m oor c* urts ae i r»!ceiT©d oo asmr. lt «een:s i‘Otr that st L . iīiv u »dnxitted bv . ' - tbe goTemm» ut. that are ht«e no eoa*t!tation. The prop«.*ition īn W O Sxitb'ft “noieoi aet tbat »ny prori-aons in tbeCoxwtitotioB not in a.'- r>l wth bU act shal! not i::va » i»te t • -ame virt a lv I me«ns that any law pas<ted bv the tempr/rary {zovermnent is sof)ericr to tbe Con»titation or tbat tfcere i> ao (ueuiameeUl law. The act calling f<tr a constitationai eoa-v»-!iti «n - accordic_' to the ex|irea«ibD» n~si by tbe ruen now pr<>poh ng tfce mc isure bigbiy tinc-«Dstit .ti nal— at le st »ben the Qoe*«B intended to do it. la countri«s uhere there is no l (undaiuentai law and therebv no | f.uara»itee fur lbe perainai safetv and libcrty of residents, it has * beeo considered propc*r for tbe foreign«rs residiug thers to eall uj»on their respective goeern-meut-ai i request the «stabli.s!i:ng of C< i -ul ir conrts. Theconrts • a llawaii t« day do iut enjov tb«) e 'uC■loi.ee ot the {>eople, t.c«caose the j «i lg.*s nearlyali with)ut excei>tioo, have proveo tUoin-'-•lvos a» violor,t :»x:it.«t-»rs. and ns partisaus daring tho tronbled l»qiitical atf;«irs of Hawaii. The foreign rt‘>id nts, \ve b»?liove to bo fullv justifieil in protecling tbotnsolvos ag.«inst the arbitrarv «ctious of the Proviaional Gov | « rnment by calling on thoir re--.f*ectivo ; opr< sc‘ntatives, and plaeo before them tho oaasee. whioh aako tl.e cr»?.«tion of CousuIar ( ourts dos;r;d*!o and uocess'«rv. V.uel tbere sbou!d be no «lo!av in the tuatU*r.