Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 58, 10 March 1894 — The Constitutional Convention. [ARTICLE]

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The Constitutional Convention.

A corrf-pomlenl in toJay’s i-i> niak'» ven* point.nl * ' * ! r nuikn n*>ont tfao womlerfi]l Jocun3pnt «liieh wsjs |>resentej t the A*lvisf»ry Oonneil yest«r* «]ay nmler tl»o title '*A: A 't to j>. j viiie fur • Cou»titutjon*. t »uv. u to>n.‘ lt woul*l l»e of interest if} t ; e name of tho aotlior of that e ipnnk’llml *‘st t«> tl</cu««»eut" } eouiil l>e |>ulilis)ieil. A f ’rtaor * ntMo »locu«neot'' sigued by Mr. l>old wjts sujipos.nl to faave emin«tevl froru thr>o s©nators in n<ihington. aml wo are inc!iue<1 to bolieve thU latest hurubng t rnust hav» been fatherv<l bv j sotue neml»er of that errntio iu I ntitatioo. We woolil liko the ! povernment orpans to show sotne ! j>reoe<lent f >r tbe ]>riocij>le whieh underlies tbe »ct. T.lie gororn j m-ul is m>t askinp for any ex j re'sion of tho people’a will, but i oetenaibly pemiila tbe j>eople 1,> 1«>«v« a voice in thoaffiirs of the oountrv «fter tb«y .tlir»uj>h a r»»> iror» oatb, virtu«liv havr 1 eon n fus» (l to cartv out bv V m {eaeeful u.enns thoir aovereign will. How«ver. there is timo onough to consider this latest j>n>|i>>sition when tho Auiericnn I a<iminiatnttiou haa faual!v es ! j>r»".s<>.l its intenti<>u in regar*l t< 1 1' w .ii aml auswored the Queeu's ! j rot st. The most iugen5«Mis j>)rt of the ! j voj> s..J Vct is the folIowing | eiaoee: S e. 0. E«ch vot«r for <lele I g t< s n»ay e«st as manv votes as tiiere are «l*>leg-ites to b»> el«H*t«sl ! from the <livision in whieh h«‘ i r»'s <lea. and n»ay ca»t one vot* j f -r «'a.-li «leleg;«to. oi cast tliem | •11 for ot «> ileli'piio. or ma\ j othorwis« «bvi.)e hi«t votee amoug 1 t!ie aeveral dolegalee. The re«j< irv*l na«nlx>r of candi* «’al.’H receiving tho hi»;ht>st nnnil>«*r of votos iu the Oiv»sinoa «hail Ihi the «l<lcg-«tes f >r such <liv:sions, The object of this pn>|H>siti»n js to ass«re the P. t.« • maj >ritv ia tbe convention. The g»vern xr:eut knowa j>erfoctly vrei) th«t Uie people ireableuu<l»>ronlinan election ru oe U> eloct evervoueof the oightecn tuom)>ers to th«> c»nvenlion who are to »it to g.*thcr wth Ihe Coancil«c B> t( o pr>vi' on» ol Section 6 An eledor is ecttti«Hl tocast «11 vot<r« l«r one deieg«te and by r«ii!) tng tl»« .uincxa*u>nists «round ooe or t\ro nomineea in one or two of Ueir iuost \tvoral>!e <bstru t> tbe> ccold '<vu:e their eloelien ami :n t!»e convecti«.>n g« t • t:«jor;iy of iwo or foui o\er the }>eople’s d *lcg>tes If thc • , f*lher” of tl e «ct thocght that fai« <lcro Wv>uld not l>e )ooked throogh he is rather mistakeu. Uut may we a*k a ber. a...i v>i'<*re iu she l'uii ed S!«tv<s **vote plumptug” h«s ever been ia n>gue.