Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 58, 10 March 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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ī 4 AT THE CLUB STABLES. CREOLE; 21,702. Rac« Record: Fourth Heat 2:15. Madc at Stocktoo. Cal. Sept. 23. 1893. uJ «< u- ?!. »4 vyt. **. 'V* 4 *. * l **'Tr % ;■ •■' : ';TlBuJkK»ETH. - «m %nd i» l#S h> t*%T -*» «4 l»'***** 1 «•*•* i"-ira 1>. 1 l 1>A VIS.

n»RTtiu;ii> xoTifi: oi' r«*Ki.n.oHi ki; lc ice.'cto.t mlh ūw «I • -»rt*in M rt»w b» OPT m.1: xiA h K NAM \KA to S\MIEL C DWhtHT. Tra«w %U«-i f T**»rur. l>3i iwupW ts i-< *"* l’-*- l**»'' A"A tx»urr m kiwa th*t t& M rtSCMiJ> fO fcw«cl M« Un <W® iillioa» br»b«B. tt* »i»: »'o-p*irai«ot w< Pnacspoi 4t> ! lot*re*J wb*a <la«Xoiw« t» Uk*«s*e p’-n •**'* * 4 *spor»āon ol «sw« «r «rk» tmssi «iw >3*»* of Sbi» a-*tK-r. tbe t*v}*rtT cv*aT»r—i b» ■vt; l Morttf»v" «il- bt U-r %tie »S PeUk- A-ieMo». *» Ui« A«etea &»■ oi J v «i> K. UflMAt. jn Hoo iuln. o MO.\‘DAY. tb« d»y oi MAKl H, 'vM «t 12 aooa ul **»<i J*r. Fnttiws (umenUn cm 1* W ■ i »-. Ami, .\lturtwr at Li» D»It-I H uolaha F--t* 2T l' J H SaXU ' L C. D'.VI iHT. Tra■>•-■• Mi'Opm». Tht pren>i<n> euwml br lh« «*i»l Mi >rtof ■ A.U tb.~«- t«i«nbo» u-.ilH—i »t K»Ui*krl*. H >ooittic. l3amt u( 0»ha, *n.l omm p*rt. ciiUriy d»crbti! io lV-ctl of J*uj—» i. Mc-tv»n. to «uiii Opap»-!*. 'Ute-i I6th of Dbra»rv, lnti *a.l m»rvK-.l i;-. LN-i. l.TB. p«*ji- 1S- ooo!*inmv «ui »rwa "1 2KVliM» *erc. Uiov * |<att of ib-’'* pwakw *!**- enW in R.>r»l I 'it. No. L. t A0U} t« K/Ut»>kckoj f*>r KvUk.ni. m*r »Uy. Anchor-:-Saloon Ex **AUSTHALI.\." Another Invoice of the \N orl»l R«iiovvnod Fredericksl)urff o Lager Beer Ou dranght and l>v the kep. Also. a> a Spccialty. Small FRESH CALiFOR'HA 0YSTERS, KOH e (>C1CTA I IvS fe22 lra i lands af acct.os. I Bv \irtue of an or.l«-r i«»«e«l jby the Conrt tbroogh th»: t'hiof Jn«ttire. Hon A. 1 • Jn>i 1. tn rec j »nl t«> the »f WILLIAM WATSON «t al. «gaiu>t !>«' •! \V«t8t>n. therr win Im* >«>W »t Fabl«c Aooiion. «t the Aoelion Uooms of Jan>es F. Morgan. *t 12 | o’eloek noon, on MONDAY. * M trch 19. 1894. AM th«j»e j>reraisee sitO!»te<l at Kmeohe. K.h)laaf>oko. Oaha and more p«r;jouL*rlv design*t«l «s lullow**

,'UST ARRIVEO. m m * S M BABY • CARRIAGES or ALL STYLJ>\ CA,R,PETS. RUQS. [v1ATS, IS TUt L ATE>T FATTEUNS. \ H 0 U S E H O L D | Se\vintr Machincs Hani> Sr.wixo Machinks, nr.VŪ Wiih Ihe L»s> ->{ Impru<r'm«nt»'YJT3 PAULOK Qrgans, Ouitarv; Aail <JUirr Ma«kal Iu-.trnm«otA. \ Wincs, Liquors, Boer »N 4 HAVrV,\Xn Pt-K SAl.E HT ED. H0IT3CHLiE6EB 4 C0. Kieii Sl„ opjw Qk>tb M C.».ki-‘« Wing Wo Tai & Co. So SU Njmsi 8ur«<. comi«ission («Ef\CH^NTS, Jojj» rvr» tad Onkn :s (,7.T L J IKR( 7/A SDlSf. F.oe ilamU rijtan< ehiue*- 1 «n<l —-Cr<»ck’rv««rp >U!t sp< V utm »11 kin*ta O3uaj*borwixxl T. H.U. lUl(.>n Ohain*. a A - *urkt l>rw.j Si k«, B»*»t B U4UA of Ob»n<r*»‘ »b*I l«jwn«rrO T* «* «»f Late*t I <p-trtaUuoA. lB»l«etk>fe of Ne« << «~ * U‘- » ?f<ul?y S«>licit»»»l. M«tt;%I Tel. 9G6. P. O. Boi

All *re p<rts of »hoso pre*aū«« ! eootevt«l bv Kaoeh-i®*»* : t>< r>Avi<l Wabot r by *l »Wil . |>.'<c 29, 1S»‘>2. imi r»*c-*r<.!«-ti ic ,' t Lil*cr p l‘iT *ii<l l‘i*- ‘ Titi« periect, j īw«u *t the »xpen»ci» of the 1 Putvh For forth«r jxirticu!ars apply to * Wiiiui C- A* h:. Ationjry for - the Coma»ix*!OH* r, or to i a M. KAAIKAI. x i C*»tnnu-OMOD«r. Hooolalii: Feb. 23. 8' — * >Totioe. M l>on«s; m; •*»(««» ln« «4t« KkpLmu. h| faretk« LEK PO! at «W Pma <k <wi Yt* llor 1 «»« *» 0»fc«. >-> *Wil «t« tu* m «Ub f%U fu»« qf Auo>u»]i. &W4I VtL?i | of fw>i»4 OU». M«. 50, l»l. mmJ5~1mo

WO CHAN & Co. \Ierchaut Tailor Kiog Tbo Block. D«it t!oor to HoiomuA Ail Suits Guaranteed to Fit, and IN THE LATEST STYL£. Ciotbe» ao4 Ke|wimL 00517*