Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 58, 10 March 1894 — CORRESPONDENOE [ARTICLE]

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[\Ve do noi hoi‘1 atirs*-lv--i re<jK>nsi1>le for th.- oi'iu i'ni or the auenoow of our Editor Holomua ; It may soem as thoagb h11 tbat would bo written on the Hawaiiuu qaostiou has beeu written. bnt, the so-called Frovisioual ; Legislature of last Thursday has givon us soaiethiug uew in the 1 shape of comparisons. On the 14th day of Januan j Her Majesty nt the behest of thousands of Her own |>eoi>le. |H>oj>le of her own hloenl and ! kindred. asked the consent of j Her 3ifinisters to a new Constitation whieh 5>he wished to promulgate. That oonsent was refuse<l «nd the matter ended —I i quote on the inmacnlate autbors- I tv of tl.e P G. «nd their supjK»rt- i ers that that new Constitution contemp1ated the disfranchisoment of the whites —(there is no proof of this 1 on this point a ! wide field for argament exists that s»>en!s to me t» never have beeu touched uj»on. These gentlemt n e'aim to be American citizeus. īf so, how conld they t»e disenfranchis. d ? ltw »s oulv by the extreme liberality of this i oountry that they u* ver co«Id be j vuter* tttul >;■'!/-. /*. The:r own oountrv (of whieh they elaim to be citu-ns) Araeric<» :s more il-liberal on this score than Honarchioat Eug!aud—If bo de sire' to lake any |>art in the atfa:rs of h.s adopted countrj-. (Amenea) ho must first forswear all allegiance to all otber countiies and then after mn he may complete bis oath and heeome a fu!l fio»lg- d Aiuerican aud so enjoy tlie priviieges of a cit:zen (>f that great eountry. Hawaii U small coantn.-, it troe. bot in the «enM of her ewn «»vere gnty, ahe s a- Urge as tbe i*rgest aiul *s strong aa the sln>ng.-st. au l i: m ber » sh« aliei» into ber eoooeiU ihal priT»iege being gr,mieil in kir.dnt>- <ho»tid oaiy have been exercisetl by weU-raeaning jierst»n» in tbe sense it was giveo. So maeh f -r this p»mt aad no» f to retarn on the 17th of J»naary the R«-bels provi-.i»nal.zeJ tbemsehes. thanks to J. Lha\e eontinoed to rc»ri«w* the i i dear selve* onlil th:a TcvtB d*y of Mitca. l*iH »nd th« i» in i deed a day of dmy* in Hawaiiaa ij Hhton - . Not so long ago (th< i 16th day of January. 1'-'» *< • hoanl theae same men ta kiog oi t j a pohhe pl*tlorm of tbe glorkxu i ! liberty, progiess and ele. »« i tt aj nan»**m — a»me - thutg lhat nevcr weoi haekwan r aod aii Ih* re»l ul platform ha»h Now what have th«y dune

Tb*v b«re jt*>ne b«ck j*M Cbarta and b« v e b» »*y»t.ve e»»n■n al euafes«d tb*s lhey i v»r aot r v>x s,|B»rrIv sW lievstt they boa»t *bo-t ” lh»l Uietr c>‘tf«t«tat:<>6al conveoti>Q «.Hilh. — By that oatb tbey jraet;bsl y I>;>E>rtLvv.ai>i: scveo teBthsof Ihe leg tia)al« v*4ers cf H*«ii nei »nd ie order to slrvsgthen their po»it oo th*y enfr»nehise tien who lamtv-l here t» -’;- rt them p*r y*»y ibJ «ho b»« on!y beea hen* a y«»r aud bare oo iaWre»t m tb« coontry, exe«pt th« P G p-«y. There is one tbing Mr Ed.tor. I don’t bel:eve tbey «;ll grant tbe pririlege of a seratīoeer at tbe |KiIling plaee lo make a mte of the ex*ct namber of vt*tcs whieh naay b«* ca>l Be t'.i> a> it taay. 1 am a t»x-p»yer and h>ve bcen so for yeare t»t e coostitat:onaI governn«ent of this c»>antry an i I must enter my so!eran jirotest agaiust snch high handed impudeuce. - HawaII. Mirch 10th, 1994. Editob Holohl'a; Will yoo kindlv inf«»rm oue who is anxioos to giin >< tne in formation concerning nr >- onan etiqnette. Why H-v. S E. Bishop eats w ti> his kni?. ; Wby be licks hi« fingere at table ; And also »f these hubits mark the iine between th*> culture of the *'mish” aud the i>l-bm ling of thc “rotten royalist. 'i Royai.i-t. TAsk ns something easier E.l H )