Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 58, 10 Malaki 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

T.H.Davies&Cc KAAlIUM-LNU ST . I lonohilu, : : II. I. GENERAL^v Coinmission -*->■ Morehants - ASD — SUGAR FACTORS. a rv:s foh Lk>T-?* 3— r ->r»rtro lln-iw la*sria» « 1 tt.;īc4 N (>\ Br» -i h>l>«t La« v4 P«ckrto tlMi Ul«rpool. Us« f r*ck»t*. Caiiii-2 Facific Mtaj Ci am> Ca52li23-A2stralra3 Steaa5li3 C3. Livi*iwi.Or» e Tb» A1U»st. OUEL*il$t. MORTGAGEKS NOTICF. C>F FORECLOSl' RE. 11* AaV>KDANVK wn H THV PK >VISK>t» •->( * BrUia tuortc*c» a>* i*> br KAUH\NV KAl INA t> M \ :u , ti. ■; > !>.v <f N lv>l, rv octii«l in Lib»*T 131. .173. uh! ihi’; iN>;iiiw<l to L.«n t‘U>nc aotsv<t> >•« 1m»I t (in>a th*t tb*> mortj> ;nt«i> i« lo f<vrr i aM tb«> ■v*nw> for cui'>iitk>M 1« ><n, u> wii; m>n-p»Tn>«>ui of s*ri>? ; n:wi}>»vi K DM i* akonM j> ;. iiu>t Af(«r tbe expiniiion <>f thtve « aei.« frv>m ta> .Uu> of tht« nouoe. tbe prut>eTtT ooa»*-Te>i 1>t »*i.i mort- ' vtli U> WTfri»l l»r >«1« «l poUii' *nctK>>> !»t Sb- «noiiae r «>m« ol t«ni*« K. M rp*n, in Hooulnln. ON WVJT>NL >DAY. the )-ith <Ut v.f M*rvh. 1 S*.U, *t 12 u>«ju. ot [ 4*iv)<Ur. Uonolula, Vvl n:arj 13, 1 s<H, I \U i HOV>, «f Moii^ip». The prrmi«e* coTrr»,l h\ stu<l as>.rtca.T eouūi of—4 *cTr> Mtu*to m !!*> >> *, Hau*. M*nt. *n.i ronTej«l t. -uuvl m> <r l>r lūioW'i, h? <h-»->i :*l«vl tfc< h ;Uv <>( AuiT>«t. Ivt3. .iii'i Ri' r!< 1 iii l.iU'- M, |v* k ',- 102 an.l 103. M>17<3* CARD from CAPT PALMEE I desin> to pnhlieW exnrrsot mr th*nks to tfce pe> i>U of H vm>inl« f,»r ooii«t«nt km>luessana eourto«r r <rirotl «I tbnr luu»U. 1 h iT, trir»l t<> «xprr%>> «I itx «tr n>fe%l an<l brst, ewty «h»,U< of opmioo ».« t > ine f*cts and pnncij lr*. trprmcntod hen*. Th«r *r»>cles »>U pr Uil<iv U? rQl«i«he>i m pamphiet f<>rm amieopie.i «ili be <>u tuv n ;«iu wut to ttw> dt.leus of Uawaii. iAiIdrewti Jmr> A. hun.Ii. N . 10. Br>.y»,l t>tn>rt. Bcvt.ii Ui*r 7 1-». Again in Town! N ©\v Sonijs, New Het*itations, Xe\v ln.strumontal an»l I3aml Sc*lections The I.sle«l ac<l Be«t rec«‘ivr><! h> the s>anier .Monowai ,tre noi i on >\h ti)t un .<t the Popular Phonograph Parlors, Arlingtiu Block, Hotel Strect. Don t misUke the Loealion. fe!9 H. MAY, & Co,. Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters »

Provision I ī Merchants | 98 Fort Sireel, - Honololo I ...... I FudiIkc, tcd Shtpt! •opplieU *ith cbote«Mt E urope<tt\ Jc A meneau Oroeeries C«Hforaia Pn>laco hy Et«tt St«» \otcr