Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 58, 10 March 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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KAWiliEiū OEūP.ee BESEi On Tuesday Eveni M*nh I3th, at 7 4-‘>. ae ti.e Chnd Ms>. GAN’S will >ri»f h»-r IN'FLN IX ILNO LECTl’RE OX LOM) S>tperbly Wu.<‘rot- «/, — WITH — THE FISEST STEREOFTICIR ī. Ezrr Prfscnied in Honolul I ' D*srrihetl in Fng!i«h nm! Hawniinn. i «<T>r! otie of th<* mrvst trvat» offe | the p*op!e of this eity. Not * moeieii: ! o! intcrv~.l. Ti.-kets, 50 cents; chihlren. l.*Jf enn he ha 1 <>f the ikx>k»tuTvn. Ca> C<x>ke*n sn>.l tbe H >«aiisn >sfe Depo> iamiiaenl Camp*nr.'^ D>n t f*il to g-j, su i be sure an.i rour fami!y. tu.»r 1 Thoroughbrei D0GS for Sa TflE EXGL1SH SETTE ** Honolulu Oii Rotri>»tere.l (N *. 31.0981 J K. U 8. 11 . N w V rk ! y l.r*> K . winner .->f D r* T »J t] cific f..**t K-el.i Tral at Bni .-rtvM m he b> U- iue> '>.» »> m i’ ..h, I: . The D*m t»f H.>c ta!n <«ir! «*> Kr!lr *U>ae, ti*e ooly .t»nghter .m tfa* I Coo»t ( >f Chsaipi..n Ct>Ostoue (t 13); si !3LS&4>. THE POINĪEH ‘Hoiiolulu I >uk (30.803! brej at tho SLabb na Keooeb r OtUw». Mr«i by Duk* W; W hr l>c» ashtr (7.MA; rt->h>At i.28J. Tbr D H ->4i1j Dak- »» lbT ’fc:t.;ei V. by Tiakets‘» Boog. Hoeololu Duke is thoroo br ke oo f.he*s*nts. w»fh »u p«* nt» — >0 ail d*y F>r fnrthor pArltcuI<tr». a to or R.l<irt-w W. CUNNINGHAM. mar 10 AxcHoa Sai.o Long Branch BATHIN Estabiishment. Thi? First-cl*s.s FU ku b«en enl*rge>! awi