Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 58, 10 Malaki 1894 — Church Services. [ARTICLE]
Church Services.
Tfe« wnim ol tfee Catledr»l { t.oa of S; A&ii*» * C*{h-dr*l f«*r ire a? foIlom: 6:30 1 a . Hoīr Coaleanioe. ll . momi&p -wmee *aJ se?rason: 7 30 p m., ereiis«:ac ia»! «raon. The »enice< of tb* S?cocd Concres*ti.<n of St Atiir»w > Cjttfeedr»i k'fflPir , « Sacd . «iU 1« U 0 43 1D.. HoIr • ■* I Comtoonk»o wilh »enoon Sac*- , tus »nd Kvrie sir.trt in 6, bvmn» •d‘J »d«’ SS . Noae Dim •■: - t'Iwr in A; 6ū&) p to., evea*)Bs with . .«ennon M Dal> -taC» Nane Dsmit: «. liiIU’rt in F Anthem If Ye Lv> Me. KtN«p My Cvano»ndiDen!s ' l>v Monk . hytnas i!0. 189 and *i> AU arv icvited. At the Centrdl l nion Charch, cor. of Boritania *nd liiehani »ts. Serric< - will be hel.i >- f S1 - SanU.iv School at 943 i m Pub lie Worship at 11 a.m. «r.tl 7:30 pm. Tlu- \ oaiux P» S ■ - ' ety of Christian £ndeavor wtL raeet »t 6 30 p tn. Allare c >rdial . Iy >nvtted to these servio»>s. i I The Y. M. C. A. iueiubrtr> wil! hold serv;ceson Snt.d >v. 11 ,i m.. •nt O.ihu Jail; 1:15 p.m.. al tlte hamek'i: 330 p.m., I>ible -*.udv at k. M. C. A. 6:30p.iu.. Go»pei pmise senrice at Y. M C. A. Beorgnnize<i Church of Jvsas Christ cf Litter D.w S,tinS. MihUni Hall, rear of Opem H >use. S i rvioes will b > heM on Sundiy us ft>llows: 10 am. Ii>bU olaaa; 11:15 a. ra. and 7:3<J p. m.