Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 58, 10 March 1894 — WHAT! LOTTERIES!! [ARTICLE]
Hou' Harvard and WilI1&ies CoIleg>? Capt ured Co1il la « late 19800 of Bos|nn Trna*crip4. tbe folto«tQg artic!« »»» po)>lisb«d. It *bo«s |?ie treovl of tbe Christi*a “aiiuem) c Tihr»ti«n '' jsi!»t one butdre«l yejtr? »go. IIALSIM. MONEY FOR HAEVARD. HJiNA»iEBS bID XOT HrsiTATE TO BCX A LOTTEET T0 5?TPPLT FCM« OXE RTXDSKJ> TEARS AOO. ——« In view of the statenient that tbe funds of tlie Harvard ColI«ge were f;tlling oft. it wiil bo interesting to n«te the manner of raising inooe\ in 17**4 On Julv 14 i f that ye-ir the fol!owing aītrer ti>ement appe«red m tue Saleni | iruZflie' Hanard Co!lege Lotterv. Ctnss F;rst. Not T«O tu a Prize. Twenty-five tboasand ti« k«>ts. «t five did!ars eaeh. ar -fl_Ō.C<K). to be paid m tlie following i»rizes, snbject to a dedaction i*f 12i per cent. for the porposes of the lottery. Prizee. Dols. Dols. 1 of 10 000 of 10,000 2 ō *>H) 10.000 3 2,00t) 6.*>K) 6 1,000 6.000 10 500 5.000 2») 2*HJ 4 000 00 100 6,00»J 00 50 4 500 100 40 4.000 120 30 3 600 161 20 3.220 200 10 2.000 7.585 8 60.680 8,35S pr;zes. * 125,000 16.642 btauks : 25,000 3C5~Th0 above class will (M>sitire y eouuneneo drawing in the H«present«tives’ Chamber in l5ostou, on Thursd»y, thirteenth November next, and will continue fromdiy to d iy, anil be eom* pleted with all possible dispatch. A 1 st-of Priz s will be immediatelv publishetl, and the Prizes paul on d maiul. The Manigers believe enongh to induce tbe Puhlie to become Adveuturers, | t«> inform tiiem, the object of f!iis Lottery is to erect a uew Budding at tlje roiversity in Cainbndge, for tbe further «e- * commodaUoQ of the students. Elie Friends of literature are to I be f« iud everywhere. and when its cause ean )>e senred, und a g‘ hh! ehanee for person«l emolu- , ment, at the >nuo time preseuts itself; tbis double inducetQeut, it > is conoeivtd. must ujK?riile in f«vor of tiie lotlerv. The Managers of the Lotferv had tho condacting of the l«te Sttte Lot < ry. T)ie Public will d > them the jastice to say that the strict«-st punct«>btv as to the time fixol for Dra«ing, aud in tbe psyment of Prizes. «a$ obs*>rveil bv thera in that L.*tterv. They pletige themse!ves for tbe same punctualit\ in th»s. Bexjamin Arsrtx. rrx.,” George R MlXOT, 1 Sa*I EX C r H>PEK, - Hexky \Varrax, Joux K.melwo Bo$tan 14, 2794. Ftckets are sold by J. Jenks. 1> Jenks. J Hath»»rne. J. Dabeysaud )Y C«rltv»n, S*lvui. 7KE BIKTHPLACX OE AXKMCaN m;s>io.vs. From the N. Y. t> • istaken the fo!lo«ing st«tement rela|tive to raising fuudsfor WiUiama’ College: “Thetr £rvt baiMiug «as West College —a brick d.»rmitorv still ?tauv!mg' * * “The C omitlee on «u«»re m>»aev got f2 JXK) fn»m ihe people v>f tKe vill vge, *nd ander Leg»s|*tive >.vnctioQ. thev r*isesi a! 037 18s.2J . bv B’ -VŌS ofal‘»lttr’. Tuu> lae \»ai.diag «*s na.shed