Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 57, 9 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — Another Outrage. [ARTICLE]
Another Outrage.
Mr. H Klemme has ngaiu boen the victnu of the infamous scoondrel who j*oi>on8 the fine d«*gs imj* rted by him. It will be rvmeii)bervd that Mr. Klemme, • shoit w hile ag > l<*st two va!uabie Jogs. and lnst n ght liis magnificent masttir ’ King” die<l from Uie et!ect of admimstered jx>ison. Kmp w«s recently imported by Mr. Klemme who j*«i<l $100 for him, and wa» an unnaanl fine apeeimen of mastitf. lt is deplomhle that no elue ean !>e found to the i*crj)etnit<<r of theso vicious acts.