Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 57, 9 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


A small (ore»t of maaU now grace the witer froot The V M. l’. A. jxoplo ui©t lo>l eveoing. Ouly routine b«si ■ ness. — Tl>o Amoric*n fl»g is tlying on tlio I- ug««' j*olo toilay. Weather p!oah«nt. The »teoiner Marij*OHa sail(nl for San Francisco yesterJay H/ternooo. — Iho trust*es of the s Hosj*ital will raeet. for sj*t>cial . b«!»iness. on 8aturday uext. Tbe “chnsui of polilien' is i cn**>sfj by Peter C. Jones being 1 thu «tti*roev for Mr. T. May. Tbe “Morniug Star.” frotn the Soutb Se«s. is due hero on tho loth inst.. ut the furthest The -t.>au*er Alanunia is duo at ' this j*ort, frou» the Co»t, on Thnnday next the lōth iust. 11 1s i> poitod that it is now au .imuuhI fact th»t a Pn‘ss Club is to Lk* fonued. a ntHHUnl neceesity. i — Light trade showers alill exist. Like clnldix*n. tnev aie troutde- i ko'i o cotnforts. Theruiouieter 79, j — One j'»j*er hen» niade an awful bn>ak in copy ing the ‘ Tt*rr'» ! ja'Stugvr list of the outgoing Miri(K<ss. The sidowalk on Hotel street b iw.-en Alakea and Hichanls stn*ets has nol vet reoeivetl »nv • - i atU*uUoo. — The ‘fentral aud tbo Ti*tr | have a mutnal cause t > 6ght bv n*asou of the kiud of coustituonts thoy have. Today is tho silvor *edding d«y of Iho £tu{H*ror and tho Ktnpres> of Jaj*an Tl;e d»y was doly j n >ticed »t aoon by salates fn*tu ; Ihe Ainoiean. Engltsh aud Jap»noso narsbij* in jH*rt. TLo ntnKluct.on of u.on* Jaj*anese labor is nganbd bv liceoseti ltquor d»alors a> bonofioul to tho liquor Lrad*>, by j reaaon of the increasoti ooueuuip- I tiuu of auFt. Marshal Hitchcock is liab!e to u 'o a long vacatioo frotu ihe dutie« of his ofcce. while oa Kauai. ilaaiou a mail c >mor ov«r tbe Hali ruu(e. uii(ler vaii.ua guroraoienl*. dunug (he iaal U»irly-five year», ti d«ad, at.d hu wid»w naouru» her h a».

Mr. J U- Kiniaai i« v*tt mwii r»t«d »b *ut b:s ītuf»r'o>ntrH*3t !*t*!r. Dtrr lbt’ f* *rr thnr»l*n>fti »r.d ! r*t*!iSMO! »r* !‘>oked for io, e;lber tbe K vokoa cr MnUki^. The pr*s* on tbe premi«e« of Mn Pratt,»t Waikiki ii ' to bare beeo set on fite an*J a rewanl i». fartber s*id. to be 'dere<i for iJt,-r.*.ifioatioo ol the incendUrT. t * ĪLeme i* lroab»e ia the Scheut* ten club eaiap Tbe 8. C he*; »o f»r, bowl e<l tb-m oot and tbe orf;anizition, ' of tbe Scheutzen - »re k oking »t ' tueir ovn dovnf«ii. Mr. Maunee tbe »d\ance «gent uf one of the oiost in.strucnve exhibitiou whieh will b»re t>een presenU.*»l bere f*>r some | time past b *s ma*le arr*ngetuent.s by wbicb Mr. G*ans. a most t*lerite*i descriptive artist. will, in the near futare, ds.spl.ay & r.«riety of lHntern-shde photograpbs, to the view of the geuerai puhlie, at Kawaiahao church.