Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 57, 9 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
A nwr{is^inpntJ* J. KEMPNER. '.oue 6EmjaDrs srn? OOTH;SG \rr M.VPr TV» OBI>EK Gw*l Varieiy of fi nr C!ctk tfi ' ■ - l (aud liri*tirintj \«U/y T*ms Bmenbk G’r< a<* i IiiaL 107 K NG STq£ET Oppe* t« * Arli«.gt >n ) Hooolulu f«l IL.. H. DEE« ]OBB£K OF Wines. Spirits. & Beers. HOT£L ST . b«tveen Fort an»l }Wibel Holiday Prcscnts The DU(IereiKn<Hl leavo to o.ill tho «(ieniion t*> m I«rue a.xortnu'nt of tast«*ful aml J* weln - , suital>U* for Christura*< Pieeenbi. [ lawaiian Klau: r in.in ditU*reiit si/.«s. i I lawaiian • It‘Wt-lrv a «peeūlh’. If yon want tn hay an -iini nt the s»im> ltuie an meipeo>ivo ClmHtouu« Present. eall arooA<l aod insj>r> t my at<xk. TH0S LIM) SAY, JI Iu»<roy l&M-k. Fort S« H o«(aia •Wi ;» Sans Souci HDTEL, WAIKIKI, HONULULU. f r irst-Class Aeeommooations for Tourists and /sland Guests. SUPERS0R B*rqr\G FACIUTHS. Prit$tt Cottig*» for F^nifieS. r. A. SlMPSON. M*cager.