Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 57, 9 March 1894 Edition 02 — The League Wins. [ARTICLE]

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The League Wins.

The eleeiion of Mr. D. I? Smith to the A*lvi> rv Council i> h (leeiileil victory for tbe Atner ienn League over tlte mis.sinn:ir\ |«rty. The latter j>reteml 4** have hacke<l Mr Smitb, but it is uo «ecr**t tii.it there a few ilavs ago were 12 memb-rs of tbe L'ouneil |>leclgeil t« opj>ose his candulatnr-? mdtlefv thoLeague, The det- nnineU i»ttitnde of tl»e rad;c»ls w:»s t<»o mneh, ttough. f r the feel»ngs of tho fa!iiil> eonipnel niiil they fetl into lin>. lt is now to be h }>e»l th«t 3Ir I>. 11 Snuth will s.irprise th<conmi inity by disj>Uyiug great ability as a legisb>tor ; *u»l gigautic wj dom as an “Advisory.”

Mr. J*>r KI’II MaR!«|)KN wb"*K n.une isis inadvrrU>ntIy npj)«ire*l it< >!>*! ,• tt ' tmj; t«>rais mueh r»’grttt»-d by us and f r whieh »v t»'nd»-r ;t fr»nk m}*»' gy. Diflrnfnc** tn |h>IiIīcr! v cws I»*■ «1 t> wrot g opinionp; t»n invMlig t >n «e tti.d tii.it t: r*> i? no e u<- • x iet’ng f »r \ y ?uch r? >n.tl r> tl*c lione »>u Mr. M«r?doa ss> u)adr by ns.