Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 57, 9 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
I3usinosss ( ’ards G. W. iiCFABUITE i G0.. Ic:pcrtos zzi Con-n:ss:cr ?*Ier:hs2ts. Honolnla. - H.iwaiiAn Is!and.« THOMAS LINDSAY i }fannfacturinj and Waichmaktr. Mc!nerBT Btock. 405 Fort St.. R.-nolx»ir. HABBI80N BR0S., CONTRAtTORS AND BL’ ILDKR&, 20> Fort St., Honolnln.
MERCHANTS EXCHAN( E. S. I. 8HAW, Profrikt'o&. CHOICE LIQUORS and FINE BF.ER , Corner of Kinp aml Nunann Sts., Mntnal Tel. 423. Honolnln. BRUGE4 A. J. CART<VRIGh f
Busin**> of a Fiilnciarr Nalnn; Tren«acte<i. Prompt attention eiren to the manageinent of E»tatfs. 'Gn&rdLam>hips. Trnsts, •tc., ©tc., etc. Oihe*.#, : CartH'rigf>t Building, Monhanl Strvet. Honolnlo. “FAT BOY." 8AY H0RSE 33 8AIŪ0N ! P. M<TXKRNT, PKor&iKTOR, Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer. CoaxKR Bmirx and Hnm. Sts. PACIFIC 8AL00N. CoTB€r tfid Nnoanu
EIHV. WOLTF«... M»n*-«r The ~k<cnoa of LiOl'OK ud B£EK. 9olii »c_vwh«rv iu tbe to«rn. Kir»J-ol»s» »tten<3«B<v. Cnli *nd jndgc for yoan«U. no 80-tf. Kmpire Saloon, JAUK> OLDS. huniiio*. Fine Wine& Liqaoi% Beer, alwats o\ ha\k Corn*r Xdwb *ud Hot*J >tr*Hs B*0 Teirphoar »1. Po*l Bui K.
W.W. WRIGHT4S0N [amaie 4 Wa!Oō iSfliUeR In Ai i Br.v\v HES. Horseshoeing A SPECULLTT. 79 uui 80 St , H-muiala