Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 57, 9 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — THE P.C.'S MOTIVE. [ARTICLE]
More Kevoiitioni r/ Methods. ACT TO Plt*riPE T » \ CX)X'TI TmC'5iL eo.w B»* it enacted bv the EifCVtin *o<l A4v;«ory Con«e>U ot the Pr»>TisioDi! Governtnent ol tbe H»wiiuan ī'i’an »5. S»'-cti“?i 1 TL’»re i i C‘*nvene «t the c*ll of t e PresiJent m convent;on t*» fr nie i constitn t.on. S*i«i C‘nvention si-t of the PrM««lent, tbe Execo t:ve *nl AJv;sory OouneiU an.l eigbteen to be electe*l *s her« in prov>.tied. Scction 1 Tb* e’ect m *.bu’l t«ke p’aee on soch d*v is shall b- procluime*i by the Mioister of tho Interior. Section 3 F >r tbe pnrpos» of this el« ‘tion there sbnll l>e f<>ur e!ector>l dirisiuos. v.z; (1) the Is und of 0.ibu. frora whieh sh »ll be electe«l six deleg«tes, (2) tbe Isiand of Hawaii, from whieh shall be eleeted five delegates. (3) the Islauds of M <ui Molok ii and Lniiai, fr>m whieh shall be electOtl foor dolep-ites >4 tlie I'l <n<!s of Kuoai. and Niihau. from whieh shall be el©cted tbree del»gites. OUALIFICATION* OF BLBCTOBS. Section 4. Eveiy male resid nt of tho Haw»iian rsla>ii!->. of Hawaiian, American or European birth or descent, who shall have taken tlie oatb by this Act provided; who ghall have p«id his ti\es for the yearlS93, unless exeiupte<l by law from jv»ying tnxes; who sha!l have attained the age nf twenty years; who j s!iall have been d >miciled in the ; Hawaiian Islands for one year and sha!l have cansed his uaine to be eutered on tbo 3ist of voters of the precinct in whieh he ro siiles. and who is n<>t insaue or i an idiot. or wiio sh.nll not bave i beeu convicted of a felony unless partloned, shall bo entitled to a vote for tho de!og ites t<> be electod frora tbo is)and oa whieh such voter rosides. Soction 5. Eaeh votor for delegatos may cast as many votos as thoro aro delegatos to beolect od frora tlie division in whieh he rosidos, an<l m <y e.»st one voto for eaeh doleg<b‘, or cast them all fur one dolegate, or may othorwiso divido his votes umong ) tho several do!egut* s. The reqnirt*d nutuber of eaiulidates receiving the highest number of votes in the respective l divisions sha l bo the delegates for such divisions. Section 6. The election shall be huld by bal!ot. The ba)lot shali be prmt«d by the Minister of the lnterior at Oovernment ; exj>ense. aml 'hall confonn in sizo,i|Ua ity nnd general form t» the bailots req>iiiv«i for n«vl>l«>s nnder tho el«*ct; >n iaw of 1SEKT No othor foim «>f ball« t sliall be rocoived. E «eh voter >hal! pl«c< a figaro after tho uaiue uf eaUili«late «»r can«lidatos for whom he votes showing how many votes be casts f»r eaeh candidate. Any ba lot containing m«m< votes tb*n the total nutuber ot de!e»ates ! apportione«l for the eleelon»' division in whieh s«ij ba!Iot it cast shall be rejected. 1NSP*CT0R» or ELE«.T!ON S*a.-tioo 7. The Mimster of tbe Interior sball appoint three insivctors of eleeiloaa f«>r eaeh poliiug p’aee her»tof«>n esiab ; lished by law f.«r the electi<»0 of n*j*rw?*ent itiv. s Any t«oof sucb ius»«ecturs iu»v act an«1 in tbe C*se of «lisability* of two of such me nl>ers. or their iefasal P» act, tbe recDaioing insj>ect-r ra>> 611 tbe racauci«ss in o*se it <<« .*an» so near that d«te of lbe electioo tbat lue Micister of the L ten«>r ean not make »n apjw»Qtm#ot | Tbe :nipectors of e ections sb»ll hold at least t*«. meetmgs io I tbelr respectire j>reciocts for tbe j>uq«o<se uf eniullmeoi of voten. . * not let*s tban ten nor rcore tfa*o twenty dar* prion to ibe date fixed for a*id election. and sball give notice of tbe «awe by a po»t- | «d i oliee or bv a pnbIication »n • | newapapen The msj-cP n, sh»ll 1 pr*jww a iisl of «II j« rsons whe ; hava Kgi«tenHl «ud an entitied < to vote autl «hall powt a copy ol
| tke s«im io the r fe«tvf{ive preciocts u>t |«$$ th»n \ «Uh ; prwr lo S4vb tf’t eliOO. A» two meet«Lgs «Hall t«e b-1-.1 !■ r pnrpoā«f «f eon*ct;ng -»s i list. tbe Ia*t ooe n t ’«?— tlt »n twentv foar bo<si» W 're tbe titne of e!ect;on N p* - - be ea:it!e«J to f> r Jel«-gates uulea* h:s aia* :s sv<b i Sect:on ' T e i:.' v >r- of -ueh e!ect >ns 'hv, b»ve *ll t; • p>w»>rs īo refr«nl t-« tbe g»» «tv< eoodact oi tbe elect»on as were v«~,’ed bv lbe eleelion .aw f ■*) in ct r' f ' I!.«.insj»««:t rs. or ar,v < f t,. :a aj>j»<‘inte«l ander this A t. sh.»li a<iminister the O ith by t! ;s A t reqaired. No j«?rs.>a shs’.I be n?g $tered until he »h«ll bave L-ikeu an«J »abscril>ed t > s.,cu oath. * ii.tunc.vnos ok pei.f.;vtes Section 9. N j r- :i > . 1 • eligd>le as a deleg »ta ncK*>s i,«> i e a male r» s;d«-iu'c of thc H.w>iun Is!au«ls v»l,o -lial b.»\«- «n on «si the ago of twenty fiveye«i>. who shaii know bow to r< .»«1 au l write eitber the Hawaiian. Engl;s!» or suine E irojH>.»n lang • •«.;• wh<> shall have l«on <1 m cil-«l in tbe HawaiiaO I>!;»nda f i nut less tliau one year, aml wbo sliall b«va taken the oath by t'. ;s j>rescribe»l. Section 10. No jhi>.>ii >h;>ll be perraitted to stau«l a> cau«K<l.ite for elect.on as a del« g*it«» uuless he ahall l*e so re«juested in writing sigi«««l by n<>t le>s thau tweuty-five t«x jnyers «>f t e lsiands or Division in whieh he |»roj>oscs t«) stan*l; nor un!es.s such request shall be «lep« > t« i w th the Ministerof the lut*>rior not less ilinu fonrteen da\s bef« re tho day of election, except «>n the Island «>f Oahu. where eaeh re«|nest shall be deposited n t 1« » thau seveu days boforo the eleetioo. Section 11 The general pr«>- ; visions governiug the con«lnct uf elections und«>r the electiou law of 1S'.K) >hi«ll aj>j>Iy t > and g v« rn the eleelion f«>r <lel«gatos un«ler this Act except as herein pi«>vided. None of the {>ri>visi<iii> <d sai»l Act in relatiou to tlie time of hol«ling elections. the tsmo of publishiiig j»roclaraations, the number an«l qnalification < f iu sj»ectoR» uf electious or in re!ation ! to candidates «hall aj>j»ly to the eleeliou «>f >ai«l deleg.»t» s. I . S*ction !‘J K* tnnis .11 !»•• I raade by the insj*ect«»rs to the M «rshal or Sheritf *>f th. ir r*> < j*ective «livision an«l certificales issaed, as in the case of elcction for nobles. Secti <n 13. E«ch «K* g «te shall receive tl e smn of one S hnodred J*>'Iars as full c«<m|>ensation f«»r his s«>rvices Secti*>n 14 Tho Ch;«nnau f the Executive a;«l Advi>ory | Cooncils sh;«ll Ih» ehainnan uf the eonveuti >n. Such utii-r ufficers nsay b«? cho»<>- u a> th«> c< n wniion sball «leeule ii)>on. S-< t:on 13. Am>j r * tt e i whoie namber of *leieg»ttfS aiui meml»ers *>f the Couucils >bail coustitute a qu >rutn Sscti«-n 16. Tt e e••nv. :«t: •n 1 : sball be governed by the onlīn- ' ary ru!es «*f i>arl:menUry j>io c*edure. unl*?ss otheiw»se pr »vule«l ! bv ra!e> »ich it >h <1! a«l<>i>t. ! ' S**cti-n 17 The e nr> i,t sh*ll l>e the sol«, j »lge « f tae «juaii6cati«>us of «le!«g»P-s luf f«ithfalues.s to the «ath retjture«! by this Ael sfasll be - *Sci nt c»aso f«>r the n>j»ct;un ««r ki>-uI->i«»n of a «lel«>gate. Sect»ou 1>. Fonn uf <*vtb: l •• H«*atun Is|»nds. i IsLnds nf ..... av D>«»lr , i>t uf . .... >| I. »g*d .-• i y«rars. a r«ative of r residi «g ,t... ... .ia sai«l ; district. do soitfianiy swear to I tbe j reseccc of Ahutgblv G-d. a tb»t i wdl .>apjs«rt au l be»r tn»e e *ll«*gtauce to the Prcv;sL><tal .. I Govtfrnmeut of tte H«w«it*n Islo I anJ», aod will oppo«e anv atttfmpl to m*tora Lu«(u-kjL«ni to liie II tbn>ne »k to rt «>u!iii»b mour archical iu anv f>>rm a in lh« 1L« iiun K in,b. il 1 -"e.lioo li. Tbt* Ael sb»U o iako edect frota ita pnbiic«tiou. d t Tbe Act pM-»l its first mn«ld ing- 1 i»re Wa* oo eomiueui.