Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 56, 8 March 1894 Edition 02 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]
The goW of tbe ettn w»- . «ioo «re aow frierdiT to tfce vhite *ku’. Mr. Bcel s attit»ie oa *Jver is diiniai»hing h» eheaee* (or nemiamlioa for the Presidencr. whieh m Mtd n ,t to b«T« beeo strocg «t «cv t;me since b;s sisod on silver Ust fa!l. Tbe īmpression grow« that Willi» ami Tbar«t,>a will e*cb sood be cai!ed opon to leave their re*pecti»e poUs of datr. C9ftsigitmg their !eg«li >n to the care <- f » cbarge d' vt£*:rs. Tbe intiomtioD broogfat by the • l«st Austr.«!tan stemmer that a moTemtot »*s on foot to cbange the tripart<t« agre«me&t re!at'.Te to is Dvs> to oSiciTls at Wasbington. N*j cretience is given at W.isbington to tbe rej>ort tbat Pang. lr.e l«te first Secret»ry of the Cbinese !egation al Washington. b«s been bebeaded in Cbim as tbe resalt cf bss olheial condnct. The news o( the seizare of 6reyto»n by troops of the Nic.tnga »n OoTernment. is notb*?lieved to indicate that Amenean in terests ha\© beeo placeJ ia jeopaidy. Tbo greatest 8}»eed at:*ined bv s*iling ahii*». itccor*bng to Mulhal. was by the Jitmes H«ines. u»iles in twenty four ho ;rs «nd Fiy ng Ci< «d, 412. Tbe lieu J«cket r«n 2*280 miles in seven d«ys, aver«ging 32ō u>iles a d»y. Lioutenaut J. A. Smitn, l’nited St«tes navy, has }»resented to Senator Cbandler and Ropresen- • * i tative B air a plaa for n*scoiug tbe guns ar.d armameut of the Kears;irge. A petition to the Taritf eom mittee has been circulatcd iu Boston aud signed by many lead ing Democrats, asking the retention of one-fonrtb of a cent duty on refined sngar. provided in the original Wilson bill, bat stricken out by ihe House. Unless all s;gns fail March lst will see tbe b.'ginoing of one of 1 tbe bitterest rai!roa*l wars in re:ccaty«*rs. Fre<! May, tbe eluhman and ex-New Yorker, who ouee horsewhipped J«mes Gordon Benu» t. and Colonel “BntIalo Bill” Codv raet for tlie first titee in six vears ( , * in WasbiogtOD. and a blow was
strnck by Ccm1v in settlement of; an old prudge. Friend.s iuterfered. General Lord Wolso!oy declined to atteiul a dinner of the ! Lond)n Thirteen Club the other day, becanse, he exp)ained. he | not a»lv l>elieves in many snperstitiiUs, bnt hug' them »ith the wan|est affection. He believes in glio|s !<nd «mulets, and i- proue to a>>j»t nnv snj>erstition whieh he titls that others believe in. ! C>uliion suj>erstition3. he says. liul him with a pictures«jne past. I IIU Nye is reported to be dving. He is lying ill at tho H »tel , Imieiial. Ni«gara*Falls. aml hi> mM«fer has eineele 1 :ill his engij?ments for next week. Cbl<CIaus Spreckel< eame t<> therolcf of the ncemploved of S i Phoeiaeo. He read iu th»- | how the fond for proT.dna tbe nuemployed with lab>r kas gO' : ng lower and lower. am' the foree of ra»>n woohl havs jo be correspon»linglv redu<e>| It excited his symj>athv \ uo. i* wrote a few words un a pu» of i aper aml sent it to I Da»i* Myer, treasurer of ihe eommillee. The paper | in4sef looke»! worth!ess enongb. ■ bt«wi« the name of Mr. Spreck«-* onil it becaroe as valaable 1
SafEc« it to wy tbat tU w»s for $0000 «otl the fagl jnfcp frotn $15.000 I20,00«>. In t\ostigat;on sho»s tbe 3ropnt lizzird total!y destroyed |tM pealh aod plum crop* ie S4t!ienilSliDois. Carraots aod . cJirri«‘s J?rv bad!y dunaged. i bon4fc..l tboosacd of fifperc4t debentnre« is«aed by ī ieloik E!ectric aod Līgbt Compahr D f Viclcria B. C i beeo lten op at X39 10a Tl*y are eaeh. acd raa foi vearsL * Vord eomo» from o d Meiieo ‘ tfut the To|||rt).im$ haee keee *>atad aod qhh 0 f tbem sJaio. * In addilioa to the battle »b«ch °icarred oot frot the city of Chi- { haahaa aome time ago tbe gor , cromeal troop« t« tbe oomber of *»■«» Um feb Sth at