Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 56, 8 March 1894 Edition 02 — Mixed Topics. [ARTICLE]

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Mixed Topics.

The Star, for sometimc back, has Iwn affl>cted vith fear of * C«o«di«n CIob said to be in this pAcefol eipital city. and laai ! night it poblished io its eoiomm» sialesments to the ctfct that: > “It is now anaonneeil by • loeal p«prr tb«t Mr li.trces, »bo left oy the Anstrali« iasl Salard«y. was OapUio of the Can«dians. II Barr.es was etvr ass gued to this oihee senoa»ly a mistahe vas made. 1; vas doclarsd by tbe j»dgee to poesees &ne aroma. The genaiae eapiam of tbe Canadiao coatiogect ts «ttll beie He j īm a sbort. rery broed shoaldend | iadiTĪdaal. vl»o has a tery pleeaaat Uste. aad tbe phneipal »•. qair»meats of a high-claas vhisky and keepe atrictiv to bis «aapeem | and bimself. Thu» alooe ahoad be soficient eadonw(aaot of tla. portty sad euaikmoo- ' ‘