Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 56, 8 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — TRUTH. [ARTICLE]
A Short E3say Oa Press Methods.
‘ It is »ulinitto<l on «11 sides that the eiuictiQent «*f « j*rf-ss la» snch •s w«s 8uggeste*l by Tov n Talk m its »gwue of l«st week woiitd be a «le«th blow to that “luoileni metr >j*olitan jouruHlista" Hgainst whieh the rej*ut.ible womon of the cominamty nrose, some moutbs ago, iu revolt. and whieh h«s for ye«rs p »st enjoyed tbe contempt and «ntipathy of intel people of all classes aud sexos. Such a law would nnd.*ubtedly prove etlective in eomi»elimg the dailv papers to respect troth »ud goinl morals. ami would tlnve m:my men fr>*m pursuing l»y erim>*uil n-«tbovl«j » l»uttiue«M (ot whiob tbey «re nnfitted bv educuti>»n and nataral intellect. As an illostr«tion of what tlie pr«ct:Citl operation of such a law wo .ld 1h). we may j>oint out th«t it wonhl plaee at the bar of justioo tUe<S. F BuUrtin fur publishing these 8entences in its issae of last Mondav.
'It is roported that the earnest pteading of the humaue W illis to imluee the gentle Liliuokalani to forego hor det. rraination to havo tho heads of the revolutiou:»ry m c«se of rvstoration, wheu it reached Honolnln created a lively sensation. ** * F<«r h |ong tirae she hung on to whai she considt-re<l her royal pr<*ro gative. There was uO d«tail missing except that she did not s|K*cify the kiud of cburg<-s upon whieh these heids were to be brought to her.' As a matt»‘r of siraple fact Mr. Willia d.d n«>t **pleud” with Queen Liliuokalani to ‘fon‘go h« r d<.terminatiou to have the lie ids of the rcvolutionarv raoveraeiit.‘ It may bo o\>serve«l. I «rvuthetic«ilv. th>it the expresaion is nuaaingKss tbongh its iuteut is obvious. Nor dul the Quecu h«ng on ‘to what she considcr<Hi her rov.il pren>g»She siraply n*plie«l to Mr. Willis’ reque-«t f«»r assnrances of
cleraency f»>r the pimiee who had served «*» figure-heads in her depoauion by ex-Minister Stevens that the Coustitotioo and )sws of Ihe country provu!ed for their puuisbraent «nd >he urgbt bave futther replicd tb tt shc h«d. uu der lhat Constitution. no rigbt to interfero wiih their puoishmeot. Auotber object lesson as to Ihe salotary elfect» of this prop«»ed law is to be fonnd io the coiurons of the C*tli o( last Wevloesday, when* th« follow;ng sc«re-be«ds are to be fuuud ‘Mr. t»ny «drait» it Tbe policy of restor«tion h«s beeu ab.tndooed. ' In the subset}uent telegr«m the only jastific«tioQ for th«t l«oguage is to be foond in thU p> ragmph: ‘Tbe full s ga.fioance ol the present Hawaiiao sitnat>on eame out at the eloae of tbe Senator's , s}>eech wheu in a eoiloqny wtlb Trll«r be admitted ibat«s«memhor of the Foreigu Kelatioas i committee he uuderstooJ tbat lbe eriorts of tbe Presideul. > momi or dip!on>«Uc, to restore Uie Qoeca were «t «n end aud j tbat tbe present Minister to Ha j w«ii h«d no directiooa to pursoe to further tbat eod.* ,' v Tbero is no «bandocmeat of «nything to be imp)ied fmm tbal, and there is Qothiug mw in it. lo i«st December the Presideat! referrvd tbe whole roatter to “tbe exteoded power% and wide dts-1 eielioo of Coogress. * He bas no i power to go fnrsb«r than he baa gnue. except «I ib« tn«taaofi of r«wm Talk. |