Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 56, 8 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Oeneral JVdvertisements A TAST PROJECT, COWSTA|TT LIIE 0F SCHOOIEES-iEjli Oprtattj f$r ALL Owieg to Oor Coe*Unt*T Io<r«&inog BiKQese »td ihe Gre«t DemkLd cf »o Ap(recistiog fommcDitr. wc h»ve coododed to otfer *n op)>ortQDitT to »!! p«rties hariog eapiU:. —Ol*R LINE OK SCIiOONERS m*y b« «een g!idiog over ihe Ba», fi'led to tbe:r otmoet e»rrying c*pec:ty, with CLEAR. COOI axi> LKVIGORATING Fr.d.,lck.b„, 9 | LAŌER Bm At the “ Anchor Saloon! ” To »( oramcd»te Oor V»»t K'eet of Scboooen», we h»ve boiit » Kioe, Large Refrger»tor, Regardles8 cf Co«t. Tlxe Ih the only plaeo where a Cool Glass of Frederickabarg Boer on draught eau be bad in Ilonolalu. Step forward Gentleraen now is the timc. NOTlCE ! The # l'nders’.gned bas Receivcd frora the Eastern St»te» Thf Larjrest Single Order of BILLIARD MATERIAL Evor Imported to tho Islands. It Coucludes as Follows: Cloth, 3 gradee; Cues, assorted; C(whioD8, by Block. patent; Billiard Balls. com)>ositiou and ivorv; Pool Balls. do., do. Tips. Ch.ilk, PoeketJO»stings, with leather aud friuge, complete; P(X?ket Nettiugs, fringe aud leather; Kubber Covers, Court Plaster, grecn and black; New Style Oialk Holders. Trianglea, Shake Balls and Leathor Butt!es ; Pool Pin8. Markers, ctc., etc. The al*ove Oock1s h»ve been Purchaset.l at Rednced K»t«8, »nd the oudersigned is now )>repared to do »ny »nd »11 kindsof 81LLIARD TABLE WOHK »t r»tes with dis{>«tch. Also new and second haud Bdli»rd »nd Puol Tablos fur Sale. Ploase Apply to J. P. BOWEX, Peny Block. Hotei 8t, Honoluln H. E« Bf^O 1MPORTERS:aN*D DEALEK8 IN* Oroceries, X > rovisions AXD Feed, EAST COKNER FORTA KING STS. New Goods Rec’d By every Paekei from the Eaaieni SUte* »nd Eoiope. Fre*h C»lifonxia Prodcce by erery $teamer. Ail orders faithfully »ttende<d to. »nd Goods delivered to »ny pext of ihe city FR££ OF CHAKGE. l»l»ad Order» BoIieited. 8«tisfa eiion Go»r»ateed. PoU / Offioe Box No. 146. lelephoae No.