Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 56, 8 March 1894 Edition 02 — THE BOARD OF HEALTH. [ARTICLE]

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SraaII P i. Beef Trast aad Bad Meat the Sabjects The of H- %Stb m«t m* t4?niav »fteruoou Pr in the cba;r. M-'uIh?i-s E'i*. Lansing. Waterbo&9« an ! Miaer »ere pm*eat. «s well *s l>r. Myer. Dr. Co»>per. Apeul C. B Reyno!ii< ar,*I R. W. Mevei of tbe Leper settleo»ent. The s*m«l{p>' ! 'i c«>es on bo-»nl tbe Hor»tio iwelml atteatioo. a«t Dr. Myers report*«i tl..>ttbe sailofs of tbe Honiio wuo were affectetl are ail in a fair wiy of spe*«ly recoTery. Coai}>!ete famigj»t.‘ u w'll b-.‘ ma«.Ie. The agents of Ihe ves~el bave b *n>le l tl.eni.-e lvc- to the txielitof ?-3.0tX) to exi>ens*'s

Dr. Goto’s re}V)rt on tbe c>n ii- , tion c#f bi> p»ti» nts at the Lcper sott!emeut >1jow«h1 very encour.«g ing progres8. aaj be rep.»rts a unmber of them are (Upu'M cured. Ou motion of Mr. H. Waterhonse. it was decided to recommend the erection of a pnblic slanghterhottse, to be under the control of tbe Governm-nt. As tbe matter now stands ihe Beef Tiu»t ean com{)t-l small deale-»rs to sell tbeir st< ek t<> it, as « therwise tiiere is no way of haviug tbem kiileel. President 8inith >t »t- 1 that be bad iuspocted >_>me of the meat furnishtHl tho insane asylotu by tbe Mctropolitan Meat company,' aud bud found it very bad. Ho s;»id it w«s simply rt-fi)>e, and nufit for use. Tbi» is tbe fonrtb eomplaiiU tbat has been maelo. The follōwing l* tter \vasreceiv ed from Dr. Hydo: Board or Hvwahax Ev.w | OELh AL. Ass.»CIATI»'N Husolclc, Mcr 9. 1894. i To tbe Board of Hcalth.

Gf.nti.vnkx: Tho Bonrd of tha Hawaiian Evangelud Associntion, at its meeting last erening. elo.-i e>l Rev. J aioe» l>avis (Kiuiu Keviki), of W ikane Oalm, to till tbe v«cnncy occnsioc< tl bv tbe the ilenlh of Kev. 8. Waiw iiol 1 , nuil act as |>ft'tor of tiie Ev;»ngelichI jchurches uf Kalaupapa and Kalawuo at th«* Luper s*.{tlement. He is h yomig H iwaii.m »>f goo<l nbilities, married, with uo children. a former resi»lent »f Mulukai, and a succ**s>ful j> «>tor at preseut in the p;.rish of Wnikiiue oo the north side of Oahu. 1 won)d like t« ascertftin wh »t provision the Bonrd ».f Hoalth wdl niake for h s home. whut fa cilities will be granU‘d f>>r his »urk. nml wh »t regn itiuns prcscribed a> tu Lis residence. In kehah' uf tho Haw.uian Board, verv re-|R‘ctfullv, C. M. Hype,

Secret t rv. It waa iWidod to gr ut tbe above request, aiul to nllow rnt ions to the new u t iuist r uutl iiis wife. — A>lverii*cr.