Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 56, 8 March 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAl NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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Col. W. H Cjrnvell i« aguc ia tuvo, Tbe Lngi>e fi«g doe« cot oft«c get wet. il 29 nol ing tod»j. Mijor D S SeIJīman »rnred fr*-m S«n Fr«nci«ro jetterdiy bv the C. D Dnrmt. The Centr«l L'nion aoci«l lafces pJj>ee this fven.UK >n the Suud»v«ehool room» of the cbnrch. The AI«meda is due here froni Siu Fr«nci«co on t!»e 15th in«t., vitb nev9 date?« to the 8tb. Trade sbo«era are verv pienli- j ful «D'l ire too freqoent an«l »eavy for comfort. Tem|ien»tare | 78. Tbe coliier Geneva,Gapt. Neil•*on, arrive«I in port yestenlav «norniii<;. 52 dav« frotn Newc»stle t N. S. W. ' Tbe benefit f>r the vlduw of Kauhane thc «letectire offioer will ! t.«ke pl»ce at the G[>era House on the 17tb in.st. ■ ■ ■ 1 ■ Mnnnger Hendry of the Hawaiian U«rdware Co. retarned to tliis city again \esterday bv the -toamer Kinau. I >Irs. Marv Clement Leavitt the nottsl temp«rauoe Iecturer filled the p.«stor’s plaee in the pulpitat llilo last Suud iy. The twentv-odd touri-ts «ho have been visiting the Volcauo mrrived baok iu tow.i here \ester<b«v bv the stearaer Kinau. ( — The new selections ou the phonopmph whieh Manager Stoeck!e j ha« latelv receive«l from the Coast ’ are verv interestiug and new.

Sub*criptinn to tlie fnml for th« widow of .Tamos Kiiiihane tbo , nolieo ofBc©r lmve hoen rooeive»l l>v the 7»ior from Mmi and Hnwaii. Tbe O. S. S. Mnriposa. C<»Tit. Havvrard, arrived in port here from tho Colonies at 8 o’olook ln<t eveninp. She will snil at 3 this p. ni. for the Coast. Tbe .Tnps nt Nnwiliwili K <nni ire sni<l to l>e on <trike. nt the nlfintet'on there Representntives of the Attorney (leneml’s flermrtment hnvo pono fonvnr<l to investipnte. Mr G K Wilder the (ler>ntv sttorney s»enem! »nd other !egai S»«ntlenien went l>v the ste«mer Miknhnln on the 6th in e t. to Knnni to nttend « term ef the Cironi( Cmrt.

The lv*th (Mel IndejH*n«l"r>t. of the trade jonrna)spnl*lishe<1 in Steven«' s(nte. is so!d f*r a niekel Miil clnims to l>e wnHh it, Thev don’t give mneh *wiv in that State. Captn n N<sl I«angley aml h;s ofBeer» an* pntting a einoh on the gamb)ing gatnes carri*»d on by Ch»nese iu t<>wn, several snc<*essfnllv carrie»l ont raida late!v bringing in b>»tv and prisoners.

Tho ih u<n' <ide cf stwt hotween Ms»k»*< hji<1 Riebard» <itrwls noeil* thtf *tt*»ntion of wroe of the pro[K>rtv ownen ihen* tow4r\f< mvki«.t; it )vjss*hltf for |xsltfstri«ns ilunne rsiny «rtfdthtfr

Soajtf of our bost known n*Kt I \fcnls wcut forward to*l«y hy th«* sttfarut*i Manpos«. Mr. T. H. l>avic» auii soa gv>os on to Engi Mr. Tom May to«i wif« go to tbtf Kast C. Argosttts 8precktfls will stop at San Frsociaco. . hut wīll later go on to Pbilailtfh ; phia; Capt J. A. Paimtfr Jr. gotfs j haek toBs\ston. Tbtf M:sstfs Alha. Mr. M L. M. PiunkeU and Col. O. W. Macfarlan« «ill renuio a sbort while in San Francisco after whieh it is rxpected th»t Cot. and Mm. G- W. Ma<far)aoe (or«f Alhu> wt|l return to Uonololu. Mr H. Ouuo g"e* of! again oo huameaa eonneeieni with Ihe hou*tf of Ehlers iCo Mr Sors Loat»san vuoU bts motb«r and i *utcr lu Suu Fntw<MW,