Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 56, 8 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Tho L:»«Ues‘ i'ortngtH>se ChariUbi«) AsĀJciatioQ »ill iueot at tbe r»siiU*net' c-f Mr< U Irwin. at 3 o’elook (omorrow aftornoon. Tlic lv»rk' , nlm« H»lo «* hieh wenl ai«h«'r* Ulc!r at Keauhou. «■ff lht «x>ai*t vf HiK Hawaii, i» now rapid:y hivakirg up. “Srn*tor” M *rg 4 n h«« . btaimsi a o»|\v of tbe boycotl circuiar but h's l*i:«u»C!is ; a sT”'t •* by th-non-patron«gc of th<- Chi«c«c,

"Our flag i< tbtfftf. s*vs Mr. W. F, Uevun|iU of thtf OoKlen Hultf R.vnr aml * s>» it is berv" says cvtfn kody th*t looks aloft rk«n th»y |»«ss tbtf Palaoe.

Th« Volcano ta n?jK*rt«si to he Ttfr>- aetiv«, far tuor« »>» than Ihe £tockboldtfrs tn iho Voicauo Huaae Co. are in paying iJboir hilla

Tb« »ma’t!-p- x floating hoapilal. tbe bark Ilorat«s ts *titl out»id« thr harh<r. Thtf akk havr al) recov«,tfd aini tbe voe«tfl will rvcvt»e « thorough luoiigatioa.

J«m«e Uavid. au HmiUn, pa»lor at W. iaaue. O-hu. «i)| go f>»r««rd U> i'ttf«ch I» Ihe l»p«n at Moh>k.i Th« uaual “e>miru«f a b->tn«" «il. bt> auppK«d by th« iLaud uf iiuUUa.