Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 56, 8 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
A d vert is*emen ts» J. KEMPNE». paahioaahle Toilor GĒ'STl£irī'S SrffS CU)THISG tr M.VDE TW OKDEX T_2 Good l'arirty of Fīh* C!oth in Stork. CU*tntn>j anti Rrpainnj Nea *fy A.w. - T«tes RascciM«. fetf b» i Trji «07 KISG STRt£T. Oppe&U ■ n * Hoooiolo * * { Hoto . i L>. H. DEE> — jor>BEK or — Wines.
Spirits, & Beers. HOTEL ST.. lxftwe«*n Fort *nii Bethel Holiday Presents The andei-HĪgneil beg Ie«re to enil tbe attention n « larce aesortment of t.«stofnl und elegant Jeweiry, sutUbie for CbristmaN Pr««ente. Hawaiian Flae Pin^ in dirferont
J . Hawaiian Jewelrv » »peci*lty. If you w;mt to boy an and nt tbe Mtne time an mex['en»ūe ChrMtma.s Present. eall nruun<l aiul innpect dv aioek. THOS. LINDSAT. Melaoni» Koek. Fart 8<.Uoa«lal B <kei U Sans Sauci Hūl'EL, WALKIKi, ilONOLCLU. - flrst-C/as3 Aeeommooation$ for Touri$ts and lsland Guests. SUP£R(ŌR 8ATH/RG FACIUTIES: Prirst9 Cot1ag*$ P)\FvnilmS, TSlMPSOJi,