Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 55, 7 March 1894 Edition 02 — "Barkis is Willin." [ARTICLE]

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"Barkis is Willin."

Ma. J'SF.PH MaR->DK.v bas lakeo atnbrage at tbe meniion mi le of j bim by tbo Kou»mcc. whieh ia quite nslur*l for him t«» do. Tbe : ahiīemeuh* were nol rt»anded otf o maeh aa they m : ght havs been aod tbe oatura) objectinn īs a matt«ro(cooraeau«i v«»expected Mr. Marsdeo enjoyg the pieaaare of l«bbhrg io poliliea aod be bas !»o tbe p.»at been bandl«d «itfa gluvew altSoagfa be baa. «ithoot 'fiot, di«jilav«l h:s v«no«B aga)D»t tb» Hou)xrx. Sb"Oki be , oeeome, ia tbe t**»r fatar«. more in keepiog «ttfa his size. and J orobabte |»roe!ĪTĪtieg. more guotl ; luloml aiul genliemanly, the Hoeoaea «iU b» pi«?.«ed t«> have •>pportanity to rveogniae tbe fact «w» *f Mr Mamieo feels ineimid tu stili remain to pohliew.