Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 55, 7 March 1894 Edition 02 — Good Speed. [ARTICLE]
Good Speed.
Mr. M. L. M. l’lunkel rc«iv« hy the Oeeanie th«* snd urw< of lh« •leilh of b « tither who, «ft*r a j*»i >rt (ii s »ccutnl>ti to tKe >Kvfroycr of b«»rn in the im:ige ofGod.” * j Tt»e deceaseti g»*nli»'niin whohad
fa'fillrd hw datiis t.>w.irds this «i rid f*»r ne«r’y eighty (sO) ypars <1 i« <1 at hi» eou try8**it at i Brighton. Su.-- x. Eng’;tnd. l*h> *Ciblegr.i'n whieh convpyid the ,- d n«w? to Mr, Plunkett. who is the m.Mniger *»f ihe ta!entrd voc*liat*, who Istely hsve ch-irmed Hono- : lulu’a naōsc-!oving j»e,iple will tsiu«e thi» }v»pular g“iit!emin to sf*»ed hw c»urse fur hono". Mr i f> l'inkett ieivea nn the Maiipow. j M'o de-ired to ex|m‘ss onr «oost sincere gyropnthiM with Mr. Plunkett daring the grief whieh nufortunate!y, it bns bee i his lot to meet tu oar b»>antiful Isl.tnds. At the smne time tbose wbo h iv« t met the g» nial gent!eioan wil! i jcin pahlie opinion in s.»> ing th«t , he !eaves witb even h f-*r ioore regretted d-j srture than l.e «oa!dj ; have done. M<ast men must know the loss of a father.