Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 55, 7 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — SENATOR MCCREARY. [ARTICLE]
A Kenmoklan Upholds the Pre3īdent. I ci.11 «peeiiil attentīon to the report u.a>1- by S-r,*»t«jrs John T »l »rc«n, Eli Sanlshary, J<>«epL E. R.-i.wu. an>l H B. P-yne *hm Ihe <<amo coiitent on »*> tnade by he m «jonty of the Co«oraittee on Ft>re!Rn Keiati<>ns in respect to the lr»*atv betwe**n the I. oite*l St.»te- iml Gr-at BntHiii in 1SSS lt is a» ft»llows;
The tabie hereto appended, n «rkedC. w<ll fnrnish an e«y r> ferenc« to a!i the at<poinUuent> I <f di;>lo:oatic agent> t*> negotiatc <nd eonelnele couvent'Ot'-», agree nents, aud tre;«t ea with f>*reign K>wera smce The whole j imuber <-f |*ersons ap|K>inted or <‘eeognized by tiie President »jthout the coneurrence or ad ,ic*‘ of the Sen.it-*, or the expre»
»utboritv of C«'ii‘:res-i. as agents c<>niluct n< p‘>ti.-«tion8 aod eon •luilo trvities is four bundred «D(l thirty«ight. Tltre« havt hoen H|>|winted by tho Secretan • <»f St.»ie and thirty tv.*o hnVv >e<»n aj>|x>iutiil by the Pr«*s ilent | \ith the H(tvice and couscnt ut
• j :he Senato. It will bc >een that an interval j >f fifty thn*o years, betvret>n 1827 • n«l ISS4». «ccurred dnnng whieh | he Presuleat di«l not ask th>- j •on*(eiit of Ihe 8cuate to any such »(>(»ointni«nt. Tbe following importaut apjM>intme«ts nnd inany otiiers wore g inade whon tho Scuato was in sossion: March 2. 179»—David Hnmph ries. Bv Wi siiingt«n. Oemiuia j m.oiuh! pleaij><»tentiary to treat x I with Algiers. CoLgreat» atljourtie«l \ , >n that day. , January |2t>. 1832.—E«lmonds Robeits. B\ Ja; kson. Comuiis ( io«er to treat with Ooehin Ohia» n«l Suun. C«>ugressin session. M «y 2. 19,‘W.—Nath.«niel Niles , By Van Bur<*u. Sj*t>cii«l t> , ‘i1y[. «t l a t.- t \**"»»4jr kiwMlHWlH voiigrt)ss in scks on. M«rch 2S. I ■»*(>. —A. D idley , Mauo. By Polk Sjk*cīn1 «gent > to treat witii snndry st«tes ol „ I C*«rraany. Congiess in session. The oon»titnt.ourtl (>ower of the , Pr sident to select tho j«goiithr*>ugb whom he will cominct ->«ch b«sin*ss s ni>t affeeted b\ , *lie fnct tbat tlie S- oate js or is j iot in s«*s,si«>n »t tae tiiue of such \ppoiptioent, or while tue ni gn j lialion is lM>ing condncted; «>i ' the fact thai he may to wiihhohl, evcn fro»u the Senate, i or fr>»ui other coontries, the fact I j that he istr- atiug with a parttcul j ar j>ower or \*u a sj-ecial s«bj-*ct , i The s«*cret service fuml 4lmt *«>ngn*ss votes to the Dej»art { «ie«t of State aDunalty is that ! fn»ru whieh sut-h agents an«s«nily p<id. That is tbe »«ost . I 1 unj>or(rtnt roast>u f«»r such appro j»riitions. The foll«>wing is a suramar\ of j Appendix C; Persous rtj>(*otnted by the Pre- j sident aud coutiruied by tho i f Seuate; 1792 \N iiiiani CariDich«*aI. William Sbott. to treat w>th Sj»,*iiu. 1794 Jobn Jay, to treat with Gn*at Bnt » u. 1iM Thooias Pinckney, t«> tleat witl*. Sj»»iu 1798 Kuf s Ksng, to tre.it wi ' Great Br:ta n . 1797. J.»l n K). Adam<; to treat , wit.« Pr«ss»a. 1797 John Q. Adaras, to treat;. w :h SwtHleo. 1797 C. C. Pinokne}, John 1 M*r>h 11. Elbndge Uern-. to j j txeat w th France. 1730, Johc Q Adaras. to tre.\t wilh SwtHieo. 1 ’ 1799 Bofus King. to treat wilh ( RusH:a. 5
1799. O iver Ell»wr»rth . P«trick Hean'. «ud William V«n Marr»y. to tn*at with Fn»nc«. 1799 W. K D*vts. vice Keury. i as »b >\e 1S03 James M«>nme «n»l U R Uvio|»t(Ni. (o tre«t for LouU11 .«* 1803 H.ifas King. to trest witb (ireat BriUtn, n>rthe«st , b»>u»»»iarv
1896, J*mes Armstrong an.i J mw b wJoin, to treat vttb $j«am. 1814. Albert G«Ilatia, to ire«l w:th Gw«t BnUm. 182»>. R C. Andersonaad Jobn S«tgeai to tre*t witK tKe Aaer. eau w) a«Uonsft2» Joel K. PoioaoU, vioe And« rw*»u. «bov«. 188t> J*nie» fi Angeli. Joho ; T Swift. a««l W IL rrwcoU. to 1 (mt «iib epm*.
Tni*1 n3mVr. 3i » P«nBō<( «i*p*snt*-l hy 15»« Se- | rv of SU:«: Chri«t*>|,»beT Huga*s. to>, ' trr»t «ītli r>»*nm»rk Joha Jj •ne» App!etan. tr» tn**t wīlh |s>«. H ‘-c« H. t> \ treat witb T >ng*. i»Ui ua » bm, 3. Appo’niel k the Pre*M-;nt, Toūl nQmb*r. 4Ji I b»v« hen» a li«t. tb<oesh oot * coroplrto one. of cass* in *hicb < tbe Pre«hleot h» **\r rc .M>i X power to aj.piīot an »g**at, roaru «8KNK>r. or other reprw»ent** | 4ive in rei«tion k» f*'reign «tfaire = witboal t..e »dvice «n»i c >a>ent of the Sen*l<- I will nol rvb r t«> ali thec*«e-i : n detj»ii. bat oaty to * few. and b«ve Ihe other> printed witb rav rrm«rks. (»onvernenr M 'rris. ;u * leiler >f Octoher 13 17s0 w*s reqnested bv Pres d Mit W*«h»ngton to go from P»r s to Iy»ndun n •rivate *gent. an»l oo the aathorīty « f tbat letter “to c*»nv.-ree j vith hi* f'ritannic MH]e*ly » uinister> »h »«it » tn *ty cf c.hb»>erce with the (,’uite-i 8talts. l ? «der th is eooniiwoa M :>ms wrnt to Loml >n ».id renaa'ned thero for mouths in conforence srith tue Drit'.s > minis>ere. His > >mination nev< r whs »ent to Ihe 8enate. lf the Pre->ident had had no j*>>w.T t>» aj>{*omt h m a.- a |*er aonal representative. it wonld have heea practica!ly im{»ossihle tt that ti»ue to holei any dipto j u»tic iutereoiirse with Great I Brituin, though circamHtances I irgently demanded thut »och j mtercourse shoald !>e heid. In 1"11. tho Presiii>*ut of the l’n>te<l St 't!*s appointe>l l> n. G. ,Matthews and Col. J«>hu MeKee c>>miui8sioners to carrv out cerj i.un iustructions rel;«tive to £.isl j Fl<>rida. In April. 1812. >'r. Monme, Srt'Te»sry St ite in ndd!'essing Geu. Matthews relat-vo to the l>»ties of lht •omiusssiv.nu rs. s«id they were anthorīsed to ta<e |x>ssession <1 L >»t Fl*>n i .Iy i u one or two contingeucies; dist, if it could be done amietbly; or eeeuiul. to j rovent it> hv a foreign js>wer. Geu. Matthows having exceed- ] e>l liis authoritv was rel»-ved, nnd Governor Mtt.*hell »>f Goorgia appointed to succeed Lun as : ooajinissoOer. Jn i -truct:ug G>vernor Milehell. Scret*r\ Vlonroe comme.nted nj»*u ti»e uu
' aoiion of M ittliews in nsing f >rco t > disposseRtbo S|>anisli natliorities when oeith©r of tl>« <ntiugeiic.es mun.-il bncl ;tri-en. aiul c<.nlm ie«l: “It is tbe desire of the Presi lent tbat you sboolcl turn i uiue. . trr tw Tt5.-Tōrtf on of
i-b»»t state «>f tliing.s iu tbe pro nnee whicb cxist*d l>*’fore tb«iatc tra::sactions. 'L’he Execotive considers it proper t«> restore haek t«> tl>e Spatiisb antbonti»s \melia IsUnd. aml s»cb otlu.t parts. if any, of East Fi< r’»b: aiuay bavebeeu takeu fr«>ra thcm “ An ordcr w.*s a s«> giv**n by tl:e Se* rctary «>f War to ihe c*>tn m»n<lcr t;u> l'nite*l St>»t*tro*>ps “tocv eu <te tbe c*mntry" when rc*juested by tbe «Oimutssi*mers.
Tbe Secretary furtber instrncte«l the comroissioner to “eome t*> a fnll u derst«ml ng witb the Spanish governor.” looking t«< tbe protectiou of ihoee wb«» t» ok p.<rt in scizing the territorv frou> tbe resentuient of tbe Spamsb rtiith«>ritu>s.
Joho James \pp1eton. Muv 12 1825, w s apiK>īutēd by tho Scc retarT of S;.ite to arr.mge a I s**ttlemeot of cl.tiins ng«inst N «pUs. The Senate w.«s not j tbeu in se>si >a. Appleīou held , | no oōiee. 8eptembor 12. 1S20. tbc Pr«-si-I dent a«8ocisted Charles Khiud. •»f Pbiladelphia. P.v., wbo he d ino oihee. «nd Jrnmm Bīddle. a ' e *mm Hlore m the l'nited St «t«'s N ivy. with I»«vui OtHey. consnl at Smvr» a. to negotinte * tre«tv ! «itfa Xurkey. Thev d.d tot c«>ii(el *le their negoliationg ontil M«y i, 1SJ0. Tti«y were a; j>oiut-■e-l as cs>uimivs;ouers. and their ! Domiaati»ns never were >ui>iiut t h.1 to the S'.n «te, whieh met L>ecember 7. 1S21V and adjoutac«l M«y 31. 183lV Edmnnd Rsb'»rts. J»nu«ry 26. 1832. w«s »pp»iatisl by th« Pre i s ik*nt a eomm sgiotier to eoa [ clu«ie treaties witfa Cocbin C’»ioa. Siani. and M ~> .it K >bert.s wa> i » priv*te cit.zen *nd tfa«> Sen**te ; t»s Ihen in sess:oQ. He e«"*n j ! clodeti tre.«ties Uiai were tab ‘ soq ientlv rat *!■*.{
A. Mian, Mnrrh k Trajk »^,t.« trd by iu** -• r ī sīd«a( * «‘i'eeial *g«ut lo iUo<'ivr iOui<*obiirg, a ul otLer G«rm*it | t»> coiic.ude treaties. «bicfa ■ at T*riOus ti:ucs -sttli>s«qu«ut]y be «2i«l: he Leiu u j o:hce. (( XiebolM P. Tn«l Aprii 17. 1 11$*T. »•* appo!nte«i j conrnī« I linihM lo ei aeiuile » tmtjr Melieo. H« rviBs:B><i ia ch*rge 1 of bts (]ntie< enlil Fet»ro*ry, I»tS, His noenioaUon D»ver *«« 1 »«boit(«*i to tbe Seo*te; »Lcp «oet o il be » •» chief cl«rk ol the 0ap*rlioool of St.»te, *tui m*n n«»t * u *«Bb*M*dor or otfa«r pablic i aiuttt«r, or a eoo«al. ’ B*ni»aia E Gre«a; Jane 13. * 1841. «m «ppoialoi by Um Pr*
t si>l*»nl «r*x- 0 «e -0* *•■> negs>‘l*i« !iratv w»«h H tvti an l A, D«Iīcy M an Jnoel3 ls49. *ppcn» ?«sl hv the Pr* ->K»- ut 93 eeial acd owikWiial ageo» l*J Hangarv We |f,«s bad a »»Q »s*»r to V fDH. Hacg«ry wa» io revoU h-jt t« iB>l«)Mail«»» h>d a-t »>eco r •>>gn ff‘-»i V •- and >« lberefore e>whlere>ī it a* still $abject to Aa-tna A- Dad!n M »un Jaw 19 1S30 >u «:>p«a*<sl spcci*l ageot to S*.t2* ru»n l t > eooeliule a tre*tv Tu« Srna*.e m<t lVcxinher 3. I*d9 and »djoort»e«i S»-pt«*nber '10. 1 s->> It w*s tberefore m *e-ss on whieh M*an w*» apj»iBtel. Tboffla« J. P»ge. JiDctry 31, 1833. w*< ciotfd »ith o r ir>m»ster to Bra;l and the Ac-n-tine K-poh’ie tu c>*nclu le a ?re» tv with Par>pu>y. Pj g<> w.>,s a| iieu(<-ntolic the l’nit*sl St,«t<— N <vy The Seuate was tfaen in s*>\s on. He >u a»thonx>sl lo eonelmle the treaty wiih Psnga«y »f the min sier were n»t present. I s»«(“ E. M< rs* Decetuber 2 I s -ā6. » s a|*p> snted a sj»ci»l c»roin : s-;outr to N»w Gran« l.i. to c»gotiat» a trCaty m eoniauetion with oar minister. Morse held no »lhce and the Seuate «as in sessi»n when he wag apiwmleU having inet D> ceiuber 1. l>.'*6 lu 1-871. President Gnnt ej>i pomted B. F. Wade, A. L). VVui>e. and S G H we «s o >uiinissiouers t<> g > t» S *u Doroingo and make oertain inqoines. l'N»se coinmissiouers were hj>|x>inted b) the Pres.dent «nd«-ra res<d«iti»o of Congress of J«nuary 12. 1 *s71 wiueh did not re«jtnre tbe ap|«ointment to be made by and with the advice and cous<>nt of the S«*n «t->. A B Ste iberger was appointed bv the Sec*i'etary of St «t« nn«ler the directi»n t>f tbe Preaident. Marcn 29, ISĪ3. as sjjefi.il ;,«•>«>* to Ssu»oa. Deceiuber 11 l s 74. . Steiid«erger \>.«s again apj>o>ntts! bv tiie President as a ag«iiit to S.imoa. with a sj>ecu! and descripti»n uf h:s utH< ia! eh *r«cter II W Shuftidt, Novomber 13. lSsl. was ap|K«int> «1 by the President sj>ocUvl envuy to conclode 1 a treaty with Corea whieli he did M.iy 22. l''S , i. H«> wis a j cot0inov!oro in the Uuite«I States Na\y at the tnue. Wnile tiie ; 1 Seuate in ratifv ng tbe tre >ty j>.«ssed a r> solut«on qnestioning the r**gul«rity of Sliafeidt s aj;- ) poiutu«ent. no further uoliee was i tak»n »f th.it subject. William Henry Tpesc»t, N’»v eml*er 28. 1881, was Hppointcd bv the Pres lent und conmiissi ue«l as « apeeial envoy, with the r«mk of OlinLU;t>4JP 1 1 to the Kepublics of Cbile, i'eiu.
and Bulivta. lu bis mstruotions *>f Noreuiber 30, 1881. Mr. Bi iuo said: “Tbis coniiuission will not supersede toe ordin»rv duties of i tbo ministers ptempotentiary and resulent nnv aeoreuit<*d to thosc< gov«-r iinet»ts, Bot,‘ ns tbey wiU Ik» duly infoju>ed, all eoounnni- - j e >tions Hiui nogot>ations connect- j enl w itb the 'settlement of the j p*nding difficnlties betweeu Oi.ile, Peru, aud BoIivia, so far ; 08 t »is g >vernmeut nuv deetn it jadicious to tako aeiion, will be trausforrod to your oh»ige. John Piml Jones.iniune 1792. \v is appoiuted by the Presideot as a comuiiss:oner to treat with ! Algiers. Jones waa theu an adtniral iu tbe l'uited States | Navy. Bis noaiiuation never was sent to tbe Senate, wlueh i adjourue»l »n tb «t year on M *v M itu*l met ag*in N»>Tember 5, 1792 In l»lt> Mr. Monroe sent ti.ree eomm ssioners. C« ->r A K «*I ; ney. Tbeotlerick B»aud. and Jobn j Ctr<ibaDi. vii n inau of w,»r to tbe | ' revolU*d 8}>aoisb ooloni*.s to iu vesl gat«? a:f.»irs. wilh a vicw t*> rec*>guiiii.g tbe in«l* i“ iidence of th*>se eo.ooie». Tbuugb the Senate w,ts in session wLen tbe\ I sai)ed, tbev were not nominate«l |to.t. Mr. C'uy snbse<iaentlv object ed to insertit:g au item iu tbe : I dipioEuatic »ppropriation bill fur j ! tbeir expeoaes iusistmg th t if ( ’ : they were «iiplom >tic ag« nts tbeir ; ' | aomiiut:oQ sbuuld b-ve beeo i ' seut to the S**u:»te but an ap- , ■ propr»«liou w »,s made under an , | other be»*d. See »outu ; mess\ge '->f Pr»*»ident Monroe. 1817 »so I i Soh >o;er*« Hi>l<»n of lbe Unre«i i ■ i Stat»»s. ro eme 3. p**C* 28. «f Wbe too. in b*s Inlemaliouai , JLaw says: “ia tbe eaae of a revo!ot:o *, | eml war. or ofher conte«4 f>r s 1 the isoT«eignty * * * *for i etg*j state «wuxt of •ecessi < y jo»’g ■ ior tbeuis el\Vs w t»rlūer they wUi i t iveogBix»a Ihe got^rumeul d- ; ( fact*> by s"nd!i g fc> «u»i rrtv*Ting - wu»Uiss»d rs frutn it. or wbether ! 1 tbey will ooulinoe lbeir wcu»t c omēd d pi».>(D«t>c reUtiott« w»tb « lbe pr»nee «bom lbey tboow I» t.» reg*»ni as tLe leg t:m>to aor«r j eign or sk;»p a»i »ltogclber tuese - rel tm«» wui» tb« naUon iu ? qoefttk>a.’
la the n*it p*r»|rr*ph ha sar»: **Fof tbf> f arj-«t»? t>i «rw*img | th« «iil&eem «hieh as«ght aiĪM» j fron a (ormal «ad ■Joct»u n ol th«9M> qa«ttioB, dtp loa«tk «• (m|oeotlv ««M-Uiw, * ho »re eiuthod »ita th« puv»s* aod «njoy tfa« 101el Miaa(m. thoogh
they are r»»l iorewi#>d witb the n pr»«nUlir» eb*ncbr. w>r| e s t«P**d t»> Jir|»*natif b»oon ' Mr. 8pe*k«, lbe r;gf.t »f th*Pre»;deot to ap$H>inl Mr Bl ant > is «o c!«mut »c»l *n well $appc rted h. pww«l«'»b »od «irthr nti« tiut I *h»H n«>t disca<!* it farther
PanoMDnr CimuM> bas ■ »|>poioted Sen»tor Edw«rd D*og i ia — While of L.'-a*s;ac» to be a| Jast:ce of tbe Sapreoie *%>c?t of ihe l’oited Slates- The D>*oi uati»n w»s »t onee eonfira«! by tte Senate. «n-! S «t»r D >ui B. Hi!!. the pditk*»« eaeeav cf * - I Ihe PrG»id«nl, wa* tbos »g*iu | pl«ced io tbe ft>««i<*a#. !
Ths disptajr ealhcsU’»« fro*r lte pens of ‘brethern Sroith m«l Cast)e «>f «noeialion f *me i»; re»lly exh Iaraticg Tbey heliewi or rntber prelend to l»«lieve tb*t Ihe defeated rer*ort of S»'n«t»rj Morgan represents an espresston of ihe sentstoentsof the Ameneao jHs>p!e. Tbe great n»;ion whe has join*Hl l>>gether ond»r the «r iml Str»p**s i- n*t 6nding nor s\H»‘<»ng a moatbpi*ve in tbe : sheets pnblishcsi by dīl»pi«Nted oewsj>«|H»r »oeo in San Fianeisco.| et>ntroiled by “fakers like. Hearst and de Yoong where didj th.» jew evor get the| “ «le fn>m ? ) and ij»t>ed[ f>>r « {H?"uui«rv advant»ge i bv tho specolatois in seotimente «od p>litic8. The Ameriean p*>»ple is jost. it is gr.»nd. it is tn«*tworthy an«l ther**fore tho pei>{»le of Hawaii f*>e! confcvlent, t «t tho dav mnst c*>u»e vrbonj << lf-rnle aml governm* ut by tbe people will be the «le:uan«l aml • the crv »f evervman who i> loyal, j tn»e, aiui faithfui to his iu-j ! dependence. hie loya!ty, «nd his ! heuor.