Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 55, 7 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — BY AUTHORITY. [ARTICLE]
DrPiET*wT or Fi*a> <*, H nololo. H L, M*r 5th 1894 TO AlX pmrt>m <W!v. iiwiow»*! otfc*r iet ibt «4 li« ano« $• fc*i»*>) pm UUt t~S* s«rj| CKEWT <4 TMBF %a s -!?. v< «VTHR, *> imS< **» *|T, br »i(«t*«i ud *T& fct ««et *■ 1E>*T Tb» \itiiMiM 1 P aownwm» »3 n*t<ri p t»:.H (or uppM w.u.m tbt U&* lht-*» *)<rlfW. Btl» tr-.il I* pt*> *etMi m(Ut iw) not hktcr tī u ifcc ih a uj <4 **ti aneth *fcn tfcct b* prj}«i t r p*»bk!. 8 M. DaMON, J/i»»jrf**r of FtHance mtr .>-31 dly.