Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 54, 6 March 1894 Edition 02 — A White Man's Talk. [ARTICLE]

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A White Man's Talk.

In Hpit* of tLo of th« C«lif >ruia w>Q6«tioQ«l |»apors to crpj»t<» «n iapr*H»io«, tb«t Ihe p*t>pl« of lh« G 'Mea $t«te vvn> QQ«a>iaoa$ty in f «vor of «anexioj; I H«w iit «u<l coturu tting lh« mo«t 1 ud A«■..■ ric^n «ct cf iobbinf; « fr»o i y po-iple of «*lfg*mti tuout. th« b'c*»r *»f tt}«t g»e«t »nH St«t.« h«« beeo rinJi* c«Uh! bv Ihw K{*e-ch d«lin>ivd bv 1 Son«tor Wkileon tbe H«w«imn <]uest:oa. T le s»u,-«tor ab*> per j ha(»e >« Wttor j> *»ted oa the d«tails o! our «tf«irt th«n any other suc io Cougrvss «|»oks for tim« hours. \V« puhiuh fro<« the, Exvmiwtr a fev of his remark«. I W««’ūngt.»n. F«rb. il.—Senator W iute deli\ettMl a nearly thn«* h*»nn «ih-wu «»n H«v«»i in * the S»it»t*> T*»e C>iiforu « DaB»**cr >t.« r*piv»»ul*Uv« io tbe i bf«ucn ui eor-1

rriwd « ra»ur p«np!« io tb« 'O «'l b*« *peoch r bet TOft. c f ic« iacf lb«*. B« * tpfodeJ t:t« fin»wt .VimiBhtn:.<>a'« co»r#; alruo#t c n:tre!y i& iU dca!»itn H*«fciL The C* ilort»i*n vm in er<■*•!Toke *nd wa* P'» 1 ® r>nre lii«n <*p]it *rr m d" , *'iotf Ihe <b-;ixcry uf b.s r».i »a. Toc f»ct fu»‘ Wbite eoal i ie '~.r' r '•f U.t* A<Jr , :ujr «n,1 *• ,r- ! «< • t.» :n ii w*. ai*»: -i. . ■> ty tc the /Tx»»*;..n/r. lt »«* q *t in W*>rhiBgtOB, h<»«ever r th«t b* waid bo ltkelv t«> Uke tbe po«ition tbat he di l to-d«r. from tbc »taotipuint of a lawyer an 1 io c»l<l argameut5. ail tbe wav | throogb. It ean be -tated. howeter r tbal While « apeeeh was a ve»y *trong ooe. He b«d facta gaiore to pre«cut in *>app<>rt v f the po£itton he took. »nd hit -peeeh waii. if nol «ati*factnrT to ererbody t interc«ting b.-cm<«e of the new phaae he br<.>rght ont in connection with bi* argU'iient<«. Folb*wi»tg i*. tbe R<ibstance o( thc Sen«tor irgunj».'nU; a pol;cy of HEPmunoN. Thc e?f >rt> of Cieveland to rest<*re the teea were in the nature oi a pr<>test ag«inst the previous illeg»l »ct of the repr>*--ent«it re *>f our G*jvernraeot. He (St*-vens ,soi gnt to ondo as far as }x>s-ii>le th • iiuproper tnmsictions c*f our (iiplumaiie agent‘ He repodiate and conderaucd th «t >gent’s conduct. H*> adopted the u»oet positive m*-thod in carrving oat tlns laudibte pur]><>»e. After exhaostiog his |>owers in en<ieavorinp t-> nght tlie wrong he eom ineiided tlie whoie subject to | C'oiigress. * * * KLOCNT AXP T!lE FIJMJ. I am sQrprisetl t!i»*t any Senator -iiO l<i ,i.ssert that it is a eniue to take down onr H;<g w heu it is pl**ced in a {Hisitiuii nn6tted f.»r its in u ee. The Hag tyj iH«;s tl e power of ttie Kepuhlie. lt he <donwanl a aioveiuent of rectitude. Its fo»*s are wrong nnd disbonest l n<ler the H<g Washington in;»rched that onr freedom uught be as-ured; that our peoji!e *u ght hitve tlieir way. Tbe Declarat(OU j.of Iude}*end«-nce announced a I kmdn-d purp<«s«>. Tbe Coustitativ*n wim idopted ns a j>ro<«f that the Governiueot for whieh it provided was that for whieh the |>oopie li«»d battied. Our banner was not designod ‘ to \vnve over alien lands or over nlien jh o «le lt wns intended to H > it ov«r Amenea'n battles, over Ain««ne.i a maahood. Surely. you wiil not permit any one t«» us* tbat H;ig to lemi vou 10 a struggle uaj»«*tru>tic <>r unjust, or for tn<ls uu-Auiencan. You wiil stnke do»vn tbe inipiona hand thusseek ing to rnisuso the emhlein of our n. glury. Yes, slioot the man who seeks to tear down tlie H*gwhenit wa»os wliere lionor caīls. but r«>tnit tiie coti<lign j>un isimient the u w uo iuakes p triotis<u j» tr.*«io and nses the st-irs nii<I -tnpes f«»r nlterior eu is, shields ir,iud an»l j>rotects ! onme. Our H ig is raised for justico. lt mnst i>e Liken down wlieo it o. Hv>at without inj ;stice. Its miaaion is iu the cause of integnty. lt is de-*>or!ited when (>tb««r wise devote»i. It rausl not assist ; )D the e-tab!ish(uent of a Government aga:nst the j»optiLtr will. ' e»eu tbough we believe that tbe eh nge will bnng iinpr»«vem*-nt We must leave to the erosiv« | procees«a of lnne and civiliz t tion the oblitemtion of inferior ntees and tlie overthrow of c«>rrupted |dvna-lies. Not hy the swoid of this rej>ubbc, >-r bef<>re ber victorious bann«r. sha)l one bi nnuihiiate»1 os the otber »ubverled. Tbos> who l.elieve that the Democratic j«»r*.y »onld split on a ui*tter of s«> sai tll cooso<jueiice as tbe Hawaiian <s lo Anienea. or thal the true. bluc-bloovleti democrut- wouM asserl the great sUtesman »»h «m they eleeknl to hold the reins t»f the American goveiument ean read Senator \\ hite's oooclading remarks with s«>me adrantag«. He said; The De>nocrAtic p«rtv is eomjhw*h1 of men of thoaght aod in-1 t«?il>gen«>; men who act uik>o I pnncij«ie, Tfaey will often ditfer as U> deU>2. but wbeuever an iodivi»iaa! eannol otberwise l>riog •bout coocerletf action be wiii make any e ucession «hort ol | sacr ti»-mg fats ronscieut.oaa j eoovictiou.

Thc naaneial (jaastion ie one npoo vhich party lioee caooot be j |Jr«vo Soute L»eaiocr«ta mtv Jilfer vith tbe Pr««»iJeul as to | . | his viev« in that reg»rJ. aome ( I may cocasional!y auJ at long in-. ten»l* cot agree vith him as to ihe aJvis«bility of a noaination joat aa other heaalon have Jisagreed vtth olher Preatdento. j b *t d*» »4 Aattor panwli that any proceea oi (li« 'atevr»t! >a ia «I v*»rk h**re or Ih t f «h! my * r > h>Agnea ooute«i»hao Mekk . fW« «n* ted wUl W md/ Sor|

1 1 toxl T<mi mn hw oHwn»! thal ■« oo }oa« nr-«>n 11-« El ctoa L»l fQ4tt«r O »r • oaj r ty »»• (|oite («»{• ritb'e. \ *re p.e|w.red to *Ur.J by the | TK*tn-<Tj*t»c A iiBĪoi*tr»tioi:" Wt | ms) enlniie a httir. »>at do o«*t | *<e ra , ft!e>i by for a scoa.il ; ' * hoi ly ro«r d<w r ; «l>* .jtr 'lsr ' . - i. u / {. i! o»f-d Ch»* ! 'nd t hr •_ : caui;n>i*;r.v \\ «• < „ ref«r- . | td U> oaol at ret« m„ He 11 c«l!«d onr « 10 aa ,*>t i j lost p rty pohey. cot in**r**lv ■ j tbat the orptcizati'>R to whicft • he «nd we oeloogrd sbcol J be i saccessfol. bat tfa t tbe coaetrv i . m;gbt fa.ive the benefit of «L>e i l*w> sn<l s statesmiQiike «iia.nf istr>ttioii thereof; antl while he l oras tetaf«orariIv set «shle. never ! ; tfaelt-sj4 tbe pr<ocipies whieh he anuouneel soon became tbe fa.it- f > ♦ tle crv of oar triampbant iegi*»ns 1 ■ Tfae Pres!<le«it is not {*erfe. t U> • «ssert th.»t be w *s so coastitated wo 1J be t*» deny b;s hu na«itv. We do not einim as mneh forbim m th t res|*ect as *»ur m >Jest r r »pp* > nents (l»«i!v elaim f »r t!iemselves. Clevsi)ioJ has for »tw»nv i ye«rs. not» itbst:tiuling tbe doufat ! of tn<l»v du.nis and sUnders of po‘itie-tl en**;jjīes, faad the res|-ect and Ndrniration of tbe fae»t minds of bis cuontrv to a greater exteut tban anv otfaer man. Sexatob M rg.n of A!abaroa, ehainnan of the Cumro>ttee on Foreign Kelations, b»s sabroitted a repoit of the committee iulopt*-«l ander a re»olutiou req«iring it to j report wfaet!>er any, and if so, | what inegaI.iritios occnirvd in l tfae diploroatic or other inter conrse betweeo tlie United St.«tes und Hawaii iu relution to tfae i recent politic.il revo!atiou iu j Hawaii. i i Mr. Jos. Marsden t d tya —; raore tlian—Councillor, wfaose urrival here vv«s undei sucfa aus- \ \ pices that tfae present. newlv publisfaed. vagr iut law would ! have p«rroitted the couutrv t*> havo been r»«l of him, is n>>w in a position, bv tlie aid of Uuele | S«ro. t<> prese«t hi* views ou how Haw.iii sli.i-.ilil be goverue<l. Mr. M «rs<len is not an Ameniean, Mr. M irsJen is not a gentleu;au, but ; by hia ability to save iuoney fae { haa been alloweil toassociate with I ■ tfae gentleioen who nre nierobers j 1 of tfae P.icific Club. And bow » 1 «l(K‘s fae dispiny his ability there ! Well he plnvs hillianU and — uever. hanlly ever, loses. We are, sometimes, in the swim. ! atid 80 nelime» we aro n *t. but, when do g"t th*Te, we get j wi;h b*th f»*et. Mr Irwin»< is without J »nbt, acip«b> newspi{><‘r wnter but. we hun>stly b?lieve j that h- is y-t so ycMn g tfaat he h is I no k i(iwledg? of the real iutrinsic 1 '«lue, whieh is »or h more tfa n | C*rnelia‘s jewels, uf j >urna!istic t bone?tv.