Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 54, 6 March 1894 Edition 02 — The Holomua Record. [ARTICLE]

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The Holomua Record.

“ T<> *ho-r thalthelovenfe*lucation htu t> Len <W/» rt*A amo.ui Ihe nntivt4 of Ihe tnd» it mny mr~ />riK Ti<<iny enUiealeii pr<nJ/ to knou that ih »e “iMj/ani" (!) *»r t v*!l enouf)L mlnaeeU to appneiaie and *trpport a dnity j*i/ier in tlrir rud*ithe HAWAII HOLOMVA lhnt, in f>ijh monil tone, u\>uld jmt to nhame n n>j one of our D<t*ton duilie*. ' f Repre*entutive Uome, of Bofdon, M i-<«. in the Conjee**ional lleeoni.