Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 54, 6 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
HWII HOLOMUAu u pcBiisan> Eve rv A l'tf* rnoon EXCEI*T 8r?fT>AT BT THE Holoaua Pub!ishing Co. At King St iThoo»a« block). Honololo, II. 1. pcr 2 fcar.lL 5C Cu. Tbf M (Wiwp.1 by l«m«i in lbe Uiwd «b>{ »oborb*. CtMf* l}r 8tlt •t tbr Npvr L>ealers •&<! al ’Le Offlc« »f p«Uicativli. El)IIU\D NORR!E. - - Editor jBRAHAM FēRSAHOEZ, - Man3ger X()TICE. Ail Homihwm <V»nnnurto«tiona ah»ol<) be to Alimham Kemamki, Houoluio. 11. 1. v < 'orr«<Kpon<lei>or aud C«mnionie*t»oa» for imUimlwu «honl.l 1* «IHnwieil U> lht Riitor Ilawaii Ilolomoa. No notice will l»e panl to attT •nonyiaooa coma>umcati<ms. UuMinesjs C’ards A. P. PETERSON, attounev at law. Offlce: 113 K**buraano • Str*ct. Honololo Hawauan I«l*nda. 0HAULE8 CREIGHTON, ATTORXEY AT LAV. Offl<H<: 113 Ka*bnm*nu 8tm»t. Honololo U*vau*n l«l*n<la. PAUL NEI MANN ATTL>RNKY AT LAW. 314 Merchant Strcet, Honolulu, Mutual Telephone 415. CLARENCE W. ASHFOUD. ATTOUNEY ANP f\U NHLXLOR LAW. f'fflcr, OW r«(Mb>l Roil<lmi;. (B «'lal» Uik), a>lKutuixg Ho*t t*ffl v. Honoluia. J. M DAVIPSON. attv>exey at law, St¥> Merchant Sl. O£fio« (Mulaal) Tel. 180. R«'>idence 67. JOHN W)TA KAI LUKOU. ATI\>aNXY AT LAW, Ofi>* corn«r Kiog A Beth«I 8ta. _L, _ / UEWI8 J. LEVEY. Roal Estate and Gem*rul Auctioneer. Fort and Q«m Stiw*A HoMhahi P«nK>aal atteuti<n g ven to Sal«« of Kurnitare, Keai Estate. Stock and Gen«nil .\IerchuKliw. Milul Y< A. ROSA. ATTUKXXV AX LAW. No. lo Kuhumaao Bt. Honelola, Uawaiuui lalamla.