Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 54, 6 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

by tb« S»tiw of b»T>c« biJ 4oite i «btn ia startis£ it* grvwtb Tb«nfor«. the pnwot coadittoiM «ooKl to giul *t Im»< 30 aci« ytmr» for tbe totel dis.<pp««r*nce of lb« pore Hmiiu» Bot. *t tl»e #ad ol tbt ome pen«xl tbe H*w»ii«n R»tf c«»te» protni»e to nun>ber *t le«#t 50000 perb»p«t 100.000 tll. wilhool tektag isto ireotBt tbe r*ptJly grovīi!g elem«ct of H«w*u*nbora Foreigaer». p«rt »t Ie«i»t of vhtcb c«n be etpecled lo coa!esce into tbem. None of the *bove dgare« hower«r «uj l»e expecteJ lo 0*177 *!I tbeir *pp*reot «igoi£c*sc«. for tb« rea*oo* oow to be more e»peci*lly enan»er»tevl; A ) tbe I*5t Cea»us is ioeompleie. B) it » envaeons nnder tbe re«jiectin> he*<hsgs of N»tives an ! Half-castes; C ) it doee oot *)lov «ny e»tim*te of loss fnnc eraigr*tioa. A.—Tbe l**t Census onlemi *t * rery Ute bov, *od tbe soperintenJent thereof acknovie*lges th*t be haui barely tbe indis{>enstb]e time reqniml for *ppoiat>Dg enumer*tors snJ giving them the necess*ry m*terial. in* stractit>as anJ eipI*c»tions. It cannot tberrfmre be snrj>ri5ingtb*t.intbeJist*nt Jistrī.'ts. pnnoipalleou H*v*ii. Mani tn<i K*a*i. m*ny enniaer*tors were incompetent or inJitfe:ent. or diJ not 'in>.{erst«oJ thoi»aghly their vork. **.> that tbe People oooU not obt*iu the proper inforra*tion to renJer eomplele *nJ correct reports. Tbe re>’ilt of tbi* is Lnown, among the le*Jing Naiīeee, to be that qaite * nomber of Hava>i*ns, grovn-np poople *nd chilJre* h*s not been enumerateJ. B —The uoe *rgument appliee to the returns of the Half-castes, vith more especi*lly tho.se two fnrther c«oses of error: That m*ny real Ha!f-castes have been reporteJ in the distant districts, as j«.re Nstires, who oogbt to be transp >seJ to the Half-c«stes aoeouol. Any one «cqu*inteJ with t .e Natires e»n testify ihat thev r©ry easily orerlook .u v >ociJentnI admixture of foreign anJ cuns;Jer tbcmsvlrcs pure Natives wlien brougbt np exoIusĪTelv bv Nat'ves, av«y frona foreign iutl enee; raore*‘ver- vith the oU n»tive rule that the rsnk eaine fr>ra the iuother and JiJ not fn!!ow the fatber,—«very pt>rson who h«s *n Hawaiian mother is Hawaiian to tho fall e\tent. In fact. ne*rlv al! the present native !eaders sre Half c->stes in varion« degree. anJ yet are reaJJv g»*nteJ tl>e inAuenee anJ authoritv of fnll N.»tives. Thfcr« f re.—«nJ if only bv re >son of the licentiousnrss of form*r yoir» —no woll-informetl raan ean hesitate to readilv aJmit that nnmixeJ N‘*tives n»ust bo consiJernblv less than the nnraher officiallv rejH>rteJ. A gooJ illnstrati»»n of this assertion. out of ra*nv to rav own knowleJge, will be the foll>wing; When a weli-known Amenean Coinmo*iore. iu his exploring expe«lition. maJe the *sceotof the Maanaloa monnlain, he w*s e>cort«Hl bv a tnmp of natives from Pnm; Jnring the trip, he lo»k s f\nov to one of the native g>rls who nine months later g*ve birth to a boy, thns clearly * b*If-caste; but, having been kej>t by his native paronts in Pnna, where ho marrie»l a uative woman anJ reaml an unusnally large fami!v, this man an«l h s chiMren have been ennraerated as pnre Hawaiian*. Yct. a gentleman, a frien*l of mine. who kn»>ws this man wull and has seen the portr>»its of his Anienean father. h*s always beeo struck with the cliaracteristic rosseroblaDce between tbe two. 2nJ. Many ennra«>rHtors Keom to huve been sorely |>uzjIoJ on the qnestiou of the chilJren of Ohinamen married to h;Jf or three qunrter Cbinese-H*v*ii*n women; tl»ese moet certainly onght also to bo ennracrateJ as half caates. as it is a very notioe«ble fact that the tenJencies. tastes. ij»*as and patriotism of half-castes. vhatever may b« their Jegree. and the nationality of the father,—a!ways aml most JeckleJlv bend to their Hawaiian mother's «ide. ConseqoeoUv. in the last Censns, quite a nuraber of these eases hnve erroneously gone to swell the number of Chinese to the Jetriraent uf the half casfe enuraeration. From these varions facls, it i» a safe to concluJe that the figtires of the last Censtts are; Deficienf as* geuera) tot«l for the Nativ««s; Tuo lanp in t’;e ara unt of roporte«l pnre N';,tj v «,s; Too $mallhy two elements. in the number o i ualf castes *nj Too lpryf in the araonnt of Cbinese ch>!Jren. A raore rigiJ«nJ enlighteucJ en*{airy at fbo next Census (189t>.) mo»t tberefore show half eaniea anJ !»><»« full natives thi«n migbt be expe<-tej throngb Ihe last returns. and will conseqaently pr ve tbat tbe re|>mJuctive power of the nalion is still gre*ter than the proportioos bereinabove JeJncted frora tbe Censns. C—The Ihinl c*»s« tbrungb wbicb the re*ult« of «II the v«rions Hawaiian» Censoses Jo «’t>rt*»nly give * vr»ng impr».ssion *s lo tbe troe rate of Jecrease of tbe pore nattve elemenLa, is tbat they havo never all»ve«l tbe cnquirer to make any JiHerbnce betveen tbe natar>I Jecrease «iue to the natural excess of «leaths orer births. aod tbe artifici*J one c*ase*l by native« le*ring tbe conntry, vbereby tfaey roay be lost to tbe enoraerati»n here. bnt eaonol be useJ to sbow or svell « tenJency to * Jecre*se in tbe r»«». To elneulale thts point. it is tec-vsary t> biiefily ex*foln« the pn>b«ble c*uses *nJ re*aoas of tbe reconled «lecre*se. .1 ue foltoving faave beea br>*dly meaUoneU. aome of whieh do «.• ooot for tbe nno«aal r«piJity of <)ecre*»e Jnring » roo jcri«H.ls: tb« disca-« introJoced vitb einiiaallon. ur«J'y epiJemic» of m«»xs!es «oJ sm*II-pox, *dJ l*ter. lep» sy; to tbese may be aJJ«-J e*r)y inlempenioeo »nJ lic*‘ntioasne«. in(anttciJe or more pn>perly foeti.- J.- (J) aiekoeee re*olting frone c*releseneM ia eooneelion witb tbe n«v iuode* of lirtog *aJ elothicg snddenly impoaeU hy the Mis*ioa*re*. ihe coo«Unt duf>icportioo of sexes, *nd l*st. bot not U<«st. em>gr*tion. rft £nu Vnxi »■'« lt»rw r>r»« rwW ei imm» *( *>«*» U* 4cvi4 hh; Hn** eM» ««, «I Vlr a» Uactt«L X «*. ito* ik/ *r» my • <«aMh ot t euM&LOM. emm V «mdy TU C«o«m at ik». ■*.. •. tk«t o*hr * «:Ui» orer «4 «*«» UJf«w* U iwi «4 «<«. «««« B*rroi (»11*831 T54. wd IV« 4mMmI l »5a il* ‘ip’l if 1 pwfwbr«* tfct U«c l«M> 1 .*.*♦ laeo . ’r.-m 10 iw>« «e* <mm rtuU <wt «wrr jmmt, Iuim <*» Mlt 12 y»«f. rnrmUi r" *» • ywhh»y o« 1M1 lttSO csuUm; >te* tā «aMmal <Mtr kaamm, at U*> mmm I» Uu a*m«4 b «m ■ »W niM ika» mU *t» :«a* <ktew s *om. Unb iaus uOm •a» «( *• l«* Uw. tm ik Bsv»»«r. 1.71«» *•> *«n *tUi udM |j H«i> ux UW. I3W wia h»»« «»««1»«»« 9U>«»1 **4 *MJ tw «mmI k> tir~. hnrth tt> my 7 »00 tUAw moa*. tJS «tm p»w • t»«*I uu«tl at Wl-wa*. h« tk rw loee. «4 ».0» - «uIm» Uw pw*W peoWW* wlteacix f«t) «aen* ww m«ayi9f kMtgMn c« *W» Mr. Mwmi omi y hmun S).0Cu fc« tk.i mm* >W Wd9 u» «4») tef «P to lto ymM S«». »* -to ot 9ymnm*ta»*mlhy iU.Mauimm* «OmL, i«rtd» m4 m olāmm nt& Ctefc «*4 * vi»s«ttl tkti m m*ay m £ra wm* mtbm 1* «to wm* or m*m WoHk. Umm twx w**By hemwl *imr, oAee t» Ihe n«y bst u( i*« $wktib», lt W *ot io to «♦■* Um<i ii*9 >tos ubaucki* ik«U tor» tow ik*W«(te w m’h«r fc> Ckn«V«* ttarkiwyi t **4 tea*Kk mt * m • — ' C-.S'- .;'i -V.; : -lV. - " 0 t ' ' -* U* i> Vfe.a,' ■ r> ■ •- ‘9