Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 54, 6 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Cwonoral A.c!vertisiements A TAST PEOJECT f ] i C0KSTl!iT L!WE Cf SCHGO*EJS-ii)le Owrtai!T te iLL Owirg to Otr Ccort»Dt'T Incre»»īng Eanoeae »cd tfce Gre»t I*ni*nd cf »d Apj reci»t rg CoromooitT, we h»re cooclod*d to o»f-r »n opp. rtor.ity to »(1 |«rt'es b»Ticg c»p’t»i. —OCU LINE 0F SCUOUNERS ro.y be «eo g' d'f.p rvtr t i e Har. fi led to tfce r ctmo«t c»rryir.g c*p»c ty, wiih CLEAK. COOl a.td L»VIG0RATING F “ t,s !lASER BEEE Atthe “Anchor Saloon!” To »ccommodi te Ocr K'eel of Schoooers. we have bjilt a r'iue. Ltrpc Reirger*tor, Regsrd!ese <>f CoetT£l© I» the only plaee where a Cool Gla«s of Fredericksbnrg 11. •• r on dranglit oan be br.d in Houolulu. Step forward OoolUnien now is the tiroe. NOTICE ! Tho l'i.der6 ! pt cd 1ms Receivcd froni the F.astern St«tes Tho _L.argest Siny:Ie Oixler of BILLIARD MATERIAL Ever Imported to the Islands. It Concludes as Follows: Cloth, 3 gr»dos; Cucs, assortod; Cushiou>. by Hloek. i>ateut; Rilli»rd R«Ils, compcsition and ivorv; Pool B»ll*, do., do. Tips. Chalk, P>>cket Castiiigs, wiih leathor and fringe, coiuplete; Pockut Neitings, fringe aud leather; Kublw>r Covors. Court Phvster, green and black; New Style Chalk Holder». Triauglea, 8h«ko R ills nud Le«ther Bott!es, Pooh Pioi, Mirken etc..etc, The abovo Goo.bi h»vo been Purvh«sed at Reduccd Kttt-s. aud the QuJers goed is oow j rep»red to do any and «11 kmds cf UILLIAKO TABLE WORK «1 rea.soii.ible ratei with disjMitcb. Also uew auJ seoond band 1* Ilianl aud Pool Taklas fur Sale. Ploase Apply to J. P. BOWEX, Porry Block. Hotel SL, Honolulu l-|. E, Mc(wty^ e IMr\'KTEFvS AND DEALERS LN . Gi'oceries, Provisions EAST CORXEB FOTTA KING STS. New Goods Rec'd By oven P«cktt fro« tho Eaaters Slaiea aud Europe, Fresh C*Hfornia Produc« by eve.ry ataam«f. Ali ordor» f«ithfuily atieudod tn, aud 6ond« do!iveml io «ny p»rt of tha city FILEE 0F OUAHOK. laiaui Ordara Solioilad. Sabaf»otkm Quaranleed. Pota Oftea Box Ko. 145, Talaphona Ko. ML