Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 54, 6 March 1894 Edition 02 — From Pele's Home. [ARTICLE]
From Pele's Home.
The A>ltrrli»rr throng!i it> colarans md throngh its milicious Hi!o correspondent has been trving for some time to injure the Volcaoo Hi»nse Corapany. and by f ilse innendoes and slurs sought to discredit the manager of that most popular hotel. To ail vho are endeavoring to ei coornge tonnst travelling to Huwuii the folloviug lines from tbe j»en of Mr. T. B. B shop a well known member of the Califoruia bar will prove of great mterest as dispeding the errooeous impressiuns created for a purpos«» by the Advetit**r cliqw. .\ir. Bishop who return ed from tho Volcano last week «i d who w*a delightad with his trip and with the treatmcnt given to him and partv by M«nager Lee spoke as f«>l ows to a repre.se!it,»tive of the Holomua:
Mr T. B. Bishop, the prominent 8an Francisoo attorney relates his ex(»eriences. “Our eicursiou to the Volc«no was m every res|»ect an enpieahle «>ne. Ou the steani« r we had ev« rv c«»a>f »rt, an«l all the «>tlicers, from tho captsin down, treate«l na with inueh court«>sy and attenti<>n The \veather was on the whole del ghtful. Althongh, r«ii»edeonsi<l iablv.y*-t at such times as «li<l not inconvenie» ee nsorprevent ns froui s*ei g everythii g whieh we «lesire*l. The m««l from Hdu to tho Voleano is now all coraplet«d except aho'ii f<>ur inili*s and is a 8t» en«li«l work and a »;re.»t cre«lit to Uie goveroa»eut. It will prob «bly be fi dshe*l in abont six montbs, «nd when fi ishe«l so e.«sy wiii be gr«de th t it is easil\ p-.--.ib5e to tr«»t over «ny part of it with a pnir of horses an«l a boggy. We «ere verv nuieh ■kstonished to find such a beautv ful. well-e«]nipj<d aml we!!-con «lucte«l hotel as the Votcano Hmi.se iu sncb a sita«tiOu. TLmau gcr. Mr. Lee. w«s ontinng m his etf<<rt> to make our stay pleasant. and, on onr ast m rnmg h»r.‘f>se«i ni> at f«»aT o'eloek wd«1 to*»k o* to the blntf overloukmg the Cnter *>J r» ->a»n*Hl witb us thon* onti after sanrise whe • j be took a< bac< to tho Holei t > breakfast l*n«l«r bis n»«n»geinenl th« coovenieiu'*e of traveliers has l«een creatlv promoteti b\ lh< Inii» au<l r > <is wb>ch have b- o badt ao«i whieh m.*ke sight -*-c I itg tbere *f> cxtremelv conve i eot pt*'vSaot aod «greeal).e We reoe;vetl »lso m:\nv «H>uitesie» from Mr. Wils*w» wbo w the o»n« wf Ihe >ttge l»ae, In ’ every w»y oar lnj> t* *L * the giw>M w«»nder of tt»e mmlen» «or d was !elightfal. T- e m.«g I nitk*ent <lispl*y o»a.le ky lb« *nrf«oe «>f tbe b n iake. | rivers *•! hrv whieh «• s>« puui- ’ | tcg over ib nm and m «wr : ch«’ giag aa*) »poatiDg f mctaiu» of fire, »«oeiabd aa they a!ways j i will ba io mem tv «iih tbe bw«tiw ot ibat love!y rcx«d ruo oiag tkro«gh the almuel c«»n tiuBom twt>pī«ral f»re*t with it» vonderf«il f«>li ge, h«*e «ur I «(oeaion ojiQa om mt:.ds «hieh